I.S.O.L.A.T.E.D * The People Like US*

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         This wasn't even the start , we sat there for a good half hour , then we finally got up and got comfortable walking around the house. Me and Prince sat on the back yard Porch, he stares at me with a smile with his head on his fist. " Why are you stareing at me" I giggle , " I dont know , you are just , such a strong girl you know , I never met any girl like you , your head strong , smart beautiful , and your cute too": he smiles ahking his head like he was bragging , I laughed at it. It was funny he could make me laugh after what just happend with this man. " Well it's important I stay head strong , or i wouldn't be different" I say drinking my coled strawberry milk , " Yeah , but Avanna can i tell you something?" he askes , " anything dont be afarid to tell me anything" I say crossing my legs indian style in the chair.  

     " I wanted to tell you  , I don't want you to get hurt , by any man , or any guy who is willing to pour his heart out to you , thats why imma give you this" he pulls out a black box that says Lane Bryante, I sit there surprised , " what is it?" I ask , because I never got a present like this before , only on my birthday " It's a promise ring , for you" he says with a smile opening it. It's a pretty emerald green promise ring, it was so beautiful I was lost for words. " wow I don't know what to say , this is embarssing I didn't get you anything" I said with some tears and a laugh , " You don't have to , because with this ring , and this promise , I promise to be by your side always , no matter how big the whole or how steep the hill , I will help you threw it all." He says  , I am almost los for words as he puts it on my fingre and it fits. I notice he put it on my left ring finger , I'm no genuis but I know the left hand is where the ring finger is. " Thank you Prince , for everything , for being there when I really needed you" I say looking at him , " Your welcome" he says kissing my finger and gets up wanting a hug , I get up hugging him , and that whole time my mom was watching and she yelled out the window " yeah! , baby girl mommy loves you! " she claps cheering for me.

        I Laugh at the fact that , I havent seen my mom smile in 2 years , shes so happy , is it because "that man" is out of her life?, maybe so but i'm not worried about that.  Prince walked me in the house and we sat wating for dinner to be ready, all of a sudden the door bell rang. " I wonder who that could be" my mom says walking out the kitchen while we are eating , " Hello?" she answeres the door, " Hello , hi i'm Teresa , i'm Princeton's stepmom , i'm here to get him " she says coming in at the door step. " oh yes , he stayed for dinner and is in with my daughter , i'll tell him your here" my mom says smileing. She walks in the kitchen, " Prince , your stepmother is here" she says , he almost spits up his juice then he looks at me, " huh?" he says with a confused look. He gets up and walks to the door and sees her , " Yes mam?" he askes, i'm behind him incase something happends. She looked mean , her eyebrows were arched in an evil way , and she had an hispanic evil stepmother look , like Cinderelle's stepmother, she gave me the shivers just looking at her. " Come on Princeton I want you home early tonight" she says  , he looks at me " alright , just give me a minute alright" he says , he pulls me away from the door as she gives me a cut throat stare , it scared me shitless. " I have to go , but i'll sneak out and sleep with you tonight alright" he says , " oh , okay" I say " Alright I love you , remember that" he says kissing my cheek and grabbing his coat and leaving the house. 

       I wanted to stop him and say "NO! lets live together in our own house" but , I knew that wasn't going to do anything at all. " aww he left , but I made pie" she says smileing , I look at her and giggle a little , " Oh mom , don't worry we can eat it together" I say to her holding her arm and we share the pie eating ice cream watching Bad girls club season 4 , man I always loved this show. It feels like old times , before "that man" entered her life. and I liked it.

     I fell asleep up in my room , and my mom fell asleep in her room, you might be asking  where did "that man" go?. He is proably with one of his thots! (hoes) for short, but lets keep the foucas on the story shall we?, I thought so. I looked out the window wating for him, i saw a shadow of a body down the street and then I saw him he threw a rock at my window, " Oh your so cliche" I said to him opening he window , he laughs and climbs the tree and hops in my room. My mom is a deep sleeper so she couldn't hear what would be going on at all. " I'm glad you could make it , welcome to my room" I smile shruggin ym shoulders and turnning on my nightlight that was on my desk, " wow not only is your clothes fahsion is good , but your roomscape is the greatest" he says with a wide smile , then he looks at me in the bed writeing in my jorunal and then he bites his bottom lip lay at my feet, I lift up my knees and look at him and I smile " what do you want bugg-a-boo?" I laugh. " I want to sleep , I'm tierd i packed clothes so we can sleep " he says laughing, He had long pants on with socks and a T-shirt that was sleevless , it was werid I never seen his arms , and he had good looking arms. I notice a tattoe on his arm that said "MISFIT" " wow thats a cool tattoe " I say with a smile as I put my jorunal up and look at it. " Yeah I got it during freshmen year , it means be free , be who you are, and never lose site of whats really important" he says taking off his shirt , I'm sure I remember but I try not too , he had back dimples and his abs weren't rock hard , they were "OK" , but he stood on his knees so I could see it , It was tattoed were his heart is.

      I touched it feeling his heart beat , I moved my hand and closed my eyes, " wow you have a nice heart beat" I said smieling " wow , okay you have a nice finger" he laughs at what I said , I laugh at it too kind of. " well thanks for the compliment" he said and then he sat next to me cuddleing with my waist and then he was looking up at the moon. I turned off the light and layed down next to him and he started rubbing my arm. " Hey look at me" he said lifting my chin, " dont worry , i'm not ready for it either " he laughs " but i'm ready for love" he says and then he kisses me softly, I sit therr with my eyes wide open then I kiss him back , " listen t me , I  will never hurt you , and I won't even think of putting you under pressure" he says about to cry swolling his tears , I know he can't help but cry , and he did " It's alright , I know you won't I trust you with everything I got" I say noding putting my head into his chest. He holds my head and his tears fall onto my hair, we both are crying. " I know what your going threw , but don't let it get it too , people like us we gotta stick to together , keep your head up nothing lasts for ever, we are all Misfits , i'm saying for the people like us" he says sniffing a little catching himself and falling asleep. I fell asleep also, but his saying actually said something. Can I finally say "I love you".

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