I.S.O.L.A.T.E.D ~ The Works~

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      I know what  I have to do , I have to make it seem like i'm here and i'm willing to work. I walk in the store with my serious face and walk to the manager , atleast I thought he was. I looked at him and said "excuse me, may I speak to the owner or the manager of this establishment" I said with a big warm welcoming grin on my face , hey if I got  to get a job might as look like I really want one. " Yes I am the manager , is there anything I can help you with?" he says with his hands together and with a big smile. " Yes , I was looking around for a job , and I was wondering there are any openings here" I say , " hmmm , no not anytime soon , we have enough workers on board , come back another time" he says walking off too  assist another customer.

    I wanted to scream and say "well , whatever! punk this is a wack store anyways!" and walk off , but I didn't I kept it too myself and walked out the store. I love fashion more than anything , I do upcycleing and more I sew on my own time and make my outfit better and more original, thats the unique thing about me no one knows , not even my mother.  It started to pitter patter on my windows as I drive through the street I was on , then I saw the store "TrunkFit"  I love that store I get all my clothes from there and half of my shoes and my hair styleings , I wanted to go in there to see if they hire 18 and up , hopefully because I really need this job.

I walked in with a smile looking around , I got the urge to buy something , they had alot of  new things on the clearance rack. " Hey Avanna!" I heard a women say , it was Ms.James she knows me and my mother , and she knows me more now since iv'e been going here. " Hey Ms.James!" I say waving at her walking to the counter , " have you seen the clearance rack , we have new styles I was wondering when you would be here" she said moving her fingers in my direction , " yeah I would buy them but as you can see im flat broke , my pokes feel like flies are in there" I say rolling my eyes , " well are you looking for a job?" she askes , " yes ! I need one badly" I say with a whine in my voice. " Well you came to the right place , we are starting to hire young teens like you , and I think you would fit the bill girl!" she says handing my a sheet , " we are curenttly hireing 18 and up's" she says with a smile crossing her arms. " Oh my lord! thank you so much Ms.James" I say holding the paper like it was my own child. " Your welcome girl , and tell yo momma to call me! she never does it's like shes distant , I hope that man isn't giving her trouble" she says rolling her eyes with a cold shoulder. " Oh I will , and trust me that man hasn't been showing up yet!" I say heading for the door. " Thats good! , lets keep it that way" she says waving bye to me.

    Wow I finally got my job application! , now all I need is the information and watch me put in my works. I drove home excited and walked in the door jumping up and down showing my mom the paper. " Oh , so Trunkfit? , isn't this the place were you get your clothes?" she askes giving it back to me , " yes momma , but it's a good job I get paid 10 dollars an hour and it's a good deal plus I got $50 in the bank account I have left over" I say as I take off my jacket and hang it up. " Well when do you start?" she askes eating pudding " I start on monday , but tomorrow is tuesday and hopefully it's next monday" I say crossing my leg over the other. " Avanna I have faith in you child , but you gotta be careful what you get yourself into and thats a great responsabilty , this is Prince we are talking about and it's now or never" she says to me with a serious face , and she knows I understand I just have a hard way of showing it. " Well you better get ready , you missed one day of school you have an exam tomorrow" she says walking to the kitchen without another word. I hope I made her happy , the baby comes back home tomorrow  and I needed to make sure she was happy , before letting another child into her life , I love my mom and I want nothing but the best for her. 

       I picked up the baies room and painted the rest of it , after that I did my homework and did a little studying , I already know this stuff it's simple really , but my main conceren was the application fo the job I forgot all about it , I have to get it turned in by monday or I wont be making no paper. I walked outside to get fresh air and then I saw a black car pull by slowly and I stood there without moving as the window roled down and someone yelled " Your Next!" and drived off with  a squeel in the tires. I dropped my juice and ran inside and slamed the door " my god! child whats gotten into you!?" she says walking out the kitchen, " Mom , I don't feel safe " I say shaking in my own shoes , " what are you saying girl! , whats gotten threw your head you just need some rest , now get to bed like I said" she says pushing my up the stairs. I pushed her aside gentely and sat on my bed , " mom i;m not kidding this time , a man in a strange black car drived by and said" your next! and squeeled off, " Avanna , you are just in the gutter right now , just lay down please I got enough on my mind" she says pacing the floor , " but mom this isn't anything i'm joking about! , this is serious!" I say standing up. " Avanna , I don't know who you think you are or who you thought you were , or who you think! you might be , but you ain't it!" she yells at me. " Now imma say it again , go to bed! Avanna" she says walking out slamming more door shut. I should have known , my mom will never listen to me no matter how much I would complain or tell her whats going down , she never listens and that is why I never tell her anything.

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