Chapter 1: Intruders

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I don't know what woke me when I opened my eyes, surely it couldn't be my parents. They were always staying out late, drinking at some cocktail party or whatever they did during the night while I was sleeping.

I decided not to bother with it and just as I was about to go back to sleep... I heard someone fall near my bedroom door - followed by a string of curses. Thank goodness I didn't pick up my schoolbag from this afternoon. I'm sixteen and going on seventeen in a couple of months. I'm still in school, much to my disappointment.
I heard footsteps coming my way, I hold my breath and when I hear them proceed forward to the rest of the two storie house I let out a sigh of relief.
I throw the covers of me and tiptoe to my wardrobe. It's a walk-in closet thanks to mum and dad, I begged them for most of my life to build me one and now they have.
I enter my closet, clossing the door behind me as quiet as a mouse and take a pair of dark skinny jeans from my stash. I walk in a bit further and grab a black t-shirt from my collection and the black hoodie just behind it, folded neatly ofcourse.
I run to the back opening my shoe-closet and pulling out a black pair of boots... lovely boots.
I didn't really need to pull on socks, okay I didn't want to because I was to lazy and there just wasn't enough time.
Walking further into my closet I stopped at a few large drawers and pulled out the first three - weapons. The firts held my gear - gloves, belts for keeping my weapons on me, binoculars etc.
The second held my knifes - I took a medium sized blade and shoved it in it's scabbard at my back.
The third drawer held more deadly weapons - guns and poisons, wich I rarely use.
I took out my black nine mm in it's holster and strapped it in place on my hip after making sure ot was loaded.
I also took a collection of small knifes, in it's scabbard, and strapped it to my ankle. Now I'm ready for whoever it is.. so I thought as I hid in my closset. Oh yeah I almost forgot I'm Samantha, Sam for short.


Hi, so. This is my first story on wattpad and I hope to write many more.
Hope you like it!

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