Chapter 19 : Payback's a bitch.

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After we got to our room we layed down on the bed, after removing some of the big pillows. He wrapped me up in his arms and we lied there talking about unimportant things. Things that had nothing to do with the situation at hand or even remotely similar then the other. We have never talked about senseless this until then. We should do it more often, it did us both good, for once not having to wonder what would happen in the next few hours. I guess you could say we were caught up in the moment because the both of us jumped when we heard a cellphone ringing, somewhere in our hotel room. "Is it your phone?" Jason asked as he looked at me. "No, I don't have one. I still need to get a new one." We looked around the room and eventually found it in a jacket I hadn't noticed earlier. He pulled out the cell and pressed the answer button."Hello?" His expression changed from confusion, to surprise, to fear and finally, rage. "Who is this?!" He practically spit to the unknown person at the other end of the line. I focused my hearing on the unknown person at the other end of the line. "No one of immediate importance. But on the other hand, I know exactly who you are, Jason." Jason glances my way and his eyes stay on me while the unknown person keeps on talking, like he does this sort of thing everyday. "And I know who she is to. I must say that it surprises me that so many vampires are after her. I mean, she hasn't exactly done anything that would have caught my attention. So tell me. Where's the catch?" "There is no catch. How do you know that? How do you know that so many vampires are after Sa- her?" Quick save. I saw him inhale and exhale slowly. "Oh, I see. You know her personally then? Is that it? Tell me. Are you with her now? Are you looking at her as she stands right in front of you?" He didn't answer. Instead he stayed silent, breathing into the phone. I could see how angry it made him. He answered, straining his voice so that he wouldn't end up shouting at the person at the other end of the phone. I could see the white knuckled grip he had on the phone. "What's it to you? " "I don't really know. You still haven't answered the question. Is she with you right now?" Jason answered again with a tone that meant that there was no further argument. "No." "Okay, just remember that this was the easy way. You just had answer truthfully but, but I sense that your lying to me." "How would you know? I haven't seen or heard from you almost all my life and now, now that I actually hear from you, your threatening me? I should have known your death was a set up. You value your life to much to die so easily, Markus." There was a silence on the other end of the line. Jason smiled, "No comeback? You were usually not this quiet. As I remember it Markus, you could barely shut up for a whole five minutes. It surprises me that your now at a lost for words. Who knew? Markus at a loss for words..." But before Jason could finish his sentence the line went dead and he stood there, smiling at the phone. "He was always good at making empty threats." And he put the phone down. I decided to ask the lingering question since he wasn't going to offer the information willingly. "So.. Who is Markus?" "An old friend. We used to be close. I don't know what happened between us." "What do you mean close? Like brothers or best friends who grew up together? " "I guess you could say that." "Is it all I'm going to get out if you now, Jason?" "At this point yes. I don't want to lie to you Sam." "Well, I know it's not going to help my case in getting the answered out of you so I'm at least thankful that you chose truth over safety. Well, honesty not truth."

"Thank you." And he stood up and embraced me and I leaned my head against his shoulder and ask. "For what?" I heard him sigh, take a deep breath even though we didn't need to breath and let it out. "For trusting me and believing in me even though you desperately want the answers I'm not willing to give to you just yet." "You will tell me everything when the time is right. I trust you, Jason." "All I'm going to say to you which your era use and it may have something to do with the situation at hand is that paybacks a bitch." I burst out laughing and after a couple of seconds he joined in. Not really a full out laugh, more like a humorous chuckle. I smiled at him and buried my face in his neck and fell asleep.

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