Chapter 14 : Let the games begin

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Hi! Hope you enjoy this next chapter and the chapters that will follow.


We were the leading team, but there has been some close calls and with each kilometer I went faster and faster untill I could match Jason's pace. He just smirked at me and went even faster and I kept by his side easily. The smell of the blood grew stronger with each leap, foot we took and soon enough I was standing infront of the horrible scene. It was a large group of hienas busy sinking their teeth into the soft flesh of whatever it was. I smiled and soon after everybody gathered around the large group. Stalking their prey. I joined in and saw how the other vampires jumped their prey one by one. I had to capture one gast before all of the hienas scamper of to who knows where.


We all sat around a large bon fire. It wasn't cold. We didn't get cold, unless we haven't fed in a long while. Their were humans nearby and we didn't want to sit in complete darkness, even though we had encredible eyesight. It was just one of those things we grew accustomed to. "How was it? Your first time hunting with a whole group of vampires?" The guy who sat across from me asked. He looked, wow ! He had dark blonde hair and big brown eyes. Chiseled jaw, smooth looking skin, everything a girl would want. No doubt that a handfull of girls threw themselves at him every single day.

I was aware that I was staring and quickly snapped out of it and answered his question. "It was..." "Awesome?" "Yeah, I guess you could say that. But the word I was looking for was.. I don't know. You guys have this vibe. Almost energetic." He smiled at me, his eyes showing so much joy it was hard not to get infected with the same look. Jason came over to the two of us when I glanced around loking for him. "Hey! How longs it been? Fifteen years?" "Uhm.. sixteen and a half actually", he answered. "I see you've met Samantha." He looked surprised by this because we haven't really introduce ourselves. "I'm Brain by the way." He said and hugged me. Wasn't expecting that. "Samantha." I smiled at him. "Yeah, I heard." "Okay, one down a couple to go. Let's meet the rest. Shall we?" Jason said and led me away from Brain to introduce me to the rest of the vampires that joined in for the hunt. After what felt like forever I've met most of the vampires that were gathered here for the hunt.
"Are we ready?" Brain asked as he looked around to all the vampires. "As ready as we'll ever be!" "We were born ready!" And alot of other comments were shouted to show how ready everyobody was. I on the other hand kept quiet. "Hey newbie!", He adressed me and everybody turned to look at me, the newbie,"Hope you can keep up." He smiled and I couldn't help but return it. The next thing I knew we were running, I was behind obviously but quickly picked up speed and was getting faster with every minute and soon I was almost infront when we came to a stop. "Daaamn!" Brain said and he dragged the word out. Jason send him a look that could kill and I laughed by myself to his reaction. "What? I'm a very busy girl and I played alot of sports. Soo, I'm quite fit." Lie. But what was I suppose to tell them? I could just see their reaction as I told them that I hunted as a human, but that was a long time ago. "Okay, you know what to do. Sam, your with me. These of you who would like to split up- do as you like. We meet back here in a couple of hours." And with that everyone whizzed of to hunt. "See you soon." Brain said as he sent me a wink before he too whizzed of.
"I'm so gonna kill him." Jason growled. "Oh, just calm down. Let's get started shall we?" It looked like he didn't hear me and just before I wanted to repeat myself he grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes, qyite serious may I add. "Uh, okay?" I said as I raised an eyebrow. "Come, I know the perfect place to hunt." "Then let's go!" I said rather excited.

"This is it? All of us just ran passed it a couple of minutes ago." "Yeah, I know but.." "But?" " It's just one of those hunting spots where you have to share it with someone special." "Oh? And I'm special?" I teased. He smiled and narrowed his eyes," You know exactly what I mean." And he took a couple of steps towards me. "No," I said as I turned around and was facing him agian," I don't." "Really? Don't you think you deserve someone special? Someone to love you regardless of how you look? Regardless of what flaws you may hide or have?" You could hear the intensity in his voice but it was spoken passionatly, almost as if he cared about... me. "Probably." "Then let me do this for you, okay? I care about you regardless of all your flaws. Even vampires have flaws and make mistakes." "Well, you are quite right. But I don't think..." The rest of my sentence was drowned out by a loud shriek that cut through the otherwise silent night. "What. Was. That?", I asked. I've never heard anything like that before in my life. "That... is a banshee," Jason replied and I just stared at him. "They actually exist?" "Unfortunatly, they do. But their close to extinction." "Why? Why are they being driven to extinction?" "Long story short - they murdered thousands of people for the sake of something that was suppose to happen but never did." "Oh.." "I'm going to check it out . You stay by my side or behind me all the way. There's nothing to worry about, but since your new to this, I would say it's safer from a distance." "Okay" I nodded my head and folllowed closely behind him.

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