Chapter 6 : A perfect day or night, actaully.

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Hi, I know I take forever just to write the next chapter but I promise I will do my best to keep the story going. You ,hopefully, don't have to wait long. Enjoy!



"Are you serious?", I asked him as we walked to the roof. "Quite, you thought I was joking earlier, weren't you?", he asked as he glanced back at me over his shoulder. "Nooo." "You totally were!" "Fine, maybe a bit. But I still don't know why. I thought you couldn't fly." "Well, we can't but it's fun experiencing it." I looked at him, not believing a single word he says to me. I mean, vampires cannot fly, they don't even have wings.

"Who said we weren't flying a plane or helicopter?", he said. I still don't know how he knew what I was thinking. "Can you like hear my thoughts or read my mind?" "Answer to your first question, maybe. Answer to your second question, a definat no. I gave up and decided not ask any more questions because , in this case, it WILL lead to more questions.

As we stood on the roof I decide to make some small talk. "So.." "Soo...?"
"What do we do now? I mean we've walked all this way. Surely there is something big you want to show me." " You don't like surprises do you?" "No, not really." " It's gonna be though with you, but hey I'm up for it"
We walked on for a bit before he came to a halt and I almost walked into him, the result being both of us falling to our deaths. "Beter watch where your going. Wouldn't want anyone of us dying." "Sorry," I mumbled. We sat down, looking at the view and it was beautiful. Too beautiful to desturb the silence.

A few hours later...

"Do you miss it?", I ask him while looking at the now setting sun. "Miss what?" "Being human?" "Sometimes, it does have a few perks that I miss out on as a vampire but I've come to peace with that a long time ago. It doesn't mean I don't miss being human." "Such as?", I know I shouldn't be asking him all of these questions but I couldn't help it. I was always a curious one. "Growing old with the people you care about or love." I saw his expression change from chirpy to sad, regret. "Oh, sorry I didn't realise." "No need to appoligize. It's not your fault I am the way I am."
"Let's not talk about regrets today. Instead let's do something you would have never dreamed of doing when you were younger."
"And what might that be?"

"Are you telling me that you have already done the things you couldn't do when you were younger?" "Well, I did do a couple of things already..." I was cut of by Sam, " Well, then. Let's go do all the other stuff you wish you could do when you were younger."


"Hahahaha! Oh my gosh you looked so scared! I should've brought a camera. Your face! Priceless. " " I'm glad you didn't", I sighed. "Let me see it. Come on you can't do something you've always wanted and not show the person you told!", she said, very excited to see the hub I bought. I always wanted to try it since it came out, I just never got around to it. "Just don't look so worried. It's legal, for you. Not for me." " But you helped pick out the flavours, you said you knew what was good!" "I may have smoked hub a couple of times before, but not biggy!"

He stared at me open mouthed. "What?" "It's not even legal!" "For me? No. For you? Definatly!" " I cannot believe you dragged me into this. I'm dissapponted, Sam." "You wanted to try it in the first place! If anything, it's your own fault." Silence. "What's wrong? Cat got your tong?" " No, soo? How do we do it?" . I grinned, "Easy actually," I said and prepped the hub. "There you go." " So what do I do now?" "Smoke."

15 minutes later...

" High as fuck, about to get lost and shit! Whooohooo!" " What are you blabbing about?" "Finding nemo!" " That's not in finding nemo." "Yes, it is. Oh, wait.... is it? Now you are making me confused. Shame on you Jason!"

He laughed, quite a comforting sound. "Okay, what do we do now? I mean, I still have a couple of things I would like to do in my life." "Then let's get going!" "You don't even know where to." "Then tell me."


"This is not what I had I mind when you told me you wanted to jump into the pool from the roof!" I didn't even know we had a pool, until now. "It's exactly what I told you I wanted to do." "YOU GO FIRST!" " Aw! Is someone scared?" " YES! I'M AFRAID.. OF... OF.... HIGHTS!...." "Don't worry we won't be this high up for long." "WHAT?!" "I actually meant that we", he says indicating to me and him, " jump into the pool from the roof." "BUT... I'LL DIE! OR INJURE MYSELF!"

"Well, here goes nothing." He says as he wrapped his arms around me and jumped from the roof, falling to our deaths. I held on for dear, sweet life as we fell into the swimming pool with a big splash!

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