Chapter 2: Getting kidnapped by a vampire,wait.... WHAT?

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I was sitting in my closet, because it's quiet now. I don't know how long I've been waiting but it felt like hours. "Fuck it, I'm going to bed," I sighed as I stood up and walked out.
Everything was as it should be, I mentally cursed myself for getting so worked up about the noise I heard.
I didn't get very far on my way to my bed to continue my desturbed sleep when an arm encircled my waist and my arms were pinned by my side. I was stuck. Great! Since I couldn't really move I did the next best thing.... I screamed my lungs out. "Help! Someone help.....!" And the rest of my sentence was lost because a huge ass hand covered my mouth. A muscular hand.
"You don't want to wake your neighbours now. They need their sleep, Sam," a voice said in my ear. It was like nothing I've ever heard before. I kind of fell in love with the voice. Snap out of it! Your getting kidnapped for crying out loud!  I mentally scolded myself.
I sprung into action. Lifting my foot up and kicking whoever's knee it was, he's kneecap should've broke with the force of my kick. All it did was give me room to escape his hold. "What are you?" I asked as I backed up, trying to get away from my almost kidnapper.
"A couple of things. Mad, sore but, mostly a vampire," he said as he straightened up and took a step towards me, the look in his eye good me that he wasn't joking. Oh wonderful!
I took a couple of steps back until my back hit my door. I opened it as fast as I can and ran out down the hallway . I rounded a corner and looked back at my door. When I didn't see him coming after me I let out a sigh of relief and sat down resting my arms on my knees.
"It's not that easy, I'm too fast for you. Samantha.", he said right beside me and I literaly jumped up. I screamed out if fear. "Get away from me!"
Before I could run away or make a move he was infront of me. He grabbed my wrists as I went to punch him and the action only made him smile. "Your coming with me," he said still smiling but showing his fangs. Before I could protest he threw me over his shoulder and marched out the front door like he did it every day. Bastard! "What the hell! Put me down you leech!!" "Nope."

"Help! Someone help me! I'm getting kidnapped! Someone call 91.. OOF!!", I called but was cut sort by getting slammed into the ground. " Shut the fuck up! It will be a lot easier for you and for me", he snarled as he straddled me, his knees pinning my hips to the ground. I decided to punch him, not the best choice of course.
"Don't hurt yourself now" he said as he stood up and pulled me up after him with a smug smile on his face. I struggled against his hold but eventually decided that it was no use. He pulled me after him and when I dug my heels into the ground he lifted me up with a surprised yelp from me and with minimum effort carried me towards an unmarked black car.

I was trying so hard to get away from him I didn't notice he had opened the boot. "Get in or I'll just have to help you." My eyes finally rested on the gaping hole of the boot.     "No! Please don't..... ", I started pleading but he just threw me inside slamming the boot shut.
I felt how the car's engine start and we drove of. I pounded on the sides, everywhere I could to notify someone of my presence. No luck.
I don't know how long we have been driving but I fell asleep after what felt like two hours.

"Get up!", a loud voice called. I sort of forgot where I was. That quickly came back to me when I was picked up and shook awake. "Finally!", he shouted as I opened up my eyes to the sight of him. He wore jeans, a fitting dark green t-shirt and black sneakers.
His hair was dark brown almost black. He had shockingly beautiful green eyes, they practicly glowed in the darkness of the room we were in.
I stood up and backed away from him into the furthest corner of the room.

"Whe- where am I?", I stuttered. "In my house." "Wh-why?" "Isn't it obvious?", he asked.  "Uhm, no actually. I was too busy getting kidnapped to notice." I snapped as I leaned agianst the wall to support my weight. My legs were like jello and my stutter forgotten.

"Where is your house?" I asked breaking the silence that suddenly filled the room. "Why do you want to know? Your inside. That's all that matters right now," he said and turned to leave.

"NO! It's not all that matters right now! I have a right to know where I am. At least tell me that.", I hated begging but hey, what did I know? I've never been kidnapped before in my life, ever!
"Your in my house." He said again and left the room I woke up in. It was some type of I don't know. Basement perhaps? Well, it is pretty cold down here. I decided that it was his basement, and I'm stuck here. Hooray me!

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