Chapter 5: Flashbacks

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I've never had that much fun in my life, not with anyone. I'm glad she came into my life, it made living an eternity bareable. I can't remember the last time I felt this happy and in love. Probably not once. I've had some fun times through out the years though. I remember my first date like it was yesterday.


There was a girl in my school. It was the year 1939, we all dressed very different back then. She had hair as black as sin and eyes the colour of a dark blue ocean. Rosy lips, kissable. Very kissable. Her skin was pale and in a dress she looked stunning!

There was a carnival in the area we were living at the time and I asked her to go with me. She said yes, of course. No one, and I do mean no one, could resist a good looking boy of just seventeen. I wasn't a vampire yet, but that is a story for another time.

We played carnival games and rode almost every ride there was, after all the fun riding I took her to the back room where the machines were for the carnival rides. "You sure you want to do this?", I asked as I tangled my fingers in her hair. "Yes." And that was my very first kiss, actually. Afterwards I walked her home feeling loke I had the best time of my live, the most fun i had in a long time.


Now with Sam here, I felt seventeen all over agian. Experiencing my first kiss agian, but with Samantha it will feel special. It will be beter then that kiss in 1939 I can tell you that much! Oh, how time flies when your having fun... mother was right all those years ago. I should live my life how I want to, making sure not to have any regrets afterwards when I'm dying and there's no one to talk to.

Okay, I can't really die. But sadly, I can get killed.
I've had many women, victims mostly. She was going to be one of them, but something inside me couldn't stand watching her die. I felt like myself agian after all these years. I have been around depressed people too long in my life but when someone as cheerfull as she is comes in my life I have mixed emotions.

I knew I would anything to protect her, even if it meant dying. I was still sitting in the living room, I hadn't notice I walked over here. Well, since I'm here I might aswell watch some television. What has it been? Probably a couple of months since I last watched television. Sighing, I got comfortable on the couch and turned on the television. I was still flicking through the channels, not a single classic on tv, when Sam came down. "Morning," she yawned. Her hair was a mess.

"It's morning already?!", I asked as my face probably paled. "Yeah, did you watch tv the whole night?" "I think I might have. I should probably get some rest. Good morning!" "Good morning?", was all she said as I walked past her towards my bedroom. How did I not notice it? Usually I will feel the time fly by, but not last night. Stupid flashbacks!



Well, that just happened. He walked past me towards his bedroom and shut the door. Well, what am I going to do to pass the time? I went back to my room and took a quick shower, washing my hair and leaving it to dry. I went down to the library and scanned the names of the books. I really didn't feel like reading. I should probably get something to eat , stomach rumbles, Yup! Definatly!

After making myself toast and heating up some baked beans I made my way to my room. I really had nothing to do. I sat on my bed eating my breakfast when a idea came to me. Hopefully he had some music and an i-pod. I searched every where until I finally found one in the tv room he was in before he went to bed.

Please say you have some modern music! Please! I thought as I put on the headphones. I scrolled through the playlist seeing skillet, skrillex and Kelly Clarkson and a whole bunch of other artists. I pressed play and Katy Perry's voice rang through the headphones.

I went through his playlist agian and settled on Linkin Park. Sorry Katy. But your really starting to annoy me. I sang along. 'One thing, I don't know why. It doesn't even matter how...' "Ow!!", I said as the earphones were pulled out rather painfully. "What was that for?", I asked him while scowling at him.

"You were very loud and I couldn't sleep." "Your hearing is that sensitive?" "Unfortunatly." " Well, if I can't listen to music I'm going to take a walk." " As long as you keep close to the house." "Yeah, whatever." I left him standing there and opendd the front door of the house. Breathing in fresh air I left my worries at the house. I walked down acers of grass, through the garden. Beautiful. I was walking down one of the rows of roses, quite colourful, when it started getting dark. Time to go back. I thought and turned around walking back towards the house.

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