Chapter 18: Revenge

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Hi there! I would like all of you to enjoy the next few chapters. Writing is a bit slow and I'm trying to improve the story to make it a bit more interesting for all of you. Just so you know... Some days I have great ideas and then I write a couple chapters or three and other days I'm stuck. The days when I'm stuck I leave the writing until I get time for it again and then I just let my mind settle down. Afterwards I'm full of ideas and sometimes I mix it up a little and so on and so on. Just wanted to tell all of you that I've changed the cover a bit. It was getting voting looking at the same cover every time I opened Wattpad to write a bit further.

Enjoy reading, because I do.

PS: sometimes I read other books to improve my own so when I haven't updated in a while you know I'm probably reading or school or whatever you may want to think I do when I'm not writingHope you like the new cover... :) ;) :p ;p

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Oh hell! I have to get out of here and find Jason. Who knows how many vampires want to use me as bait or kill me. I still don't even know why. First I was kidnapped by Jason. Second I was kidnapped again for God knows how long and told that I'm some poor losers long lost love and now..... This! "Well, you see. I haven't figured it out yet. I've been on this earth for over two centuries and I have never found you until now. Ironic isn't it?" I didn't know how to react to this. This isn't something I'm used to. Forget it! I'm not used to anything in this world since I found out that vampires exist, never mind being one myself. "How can it be ironic when I have no idea who you are anyway?" "Okay, so it's just me then?" "Not to deflate your ego or something, it's a definite yes from me. Now if you'll excuse me , I have somewhere I have to be other then here." "Leaving so soon?" He asked as he chuckled a bit, "But we only just met, darling." "And I'm leaving now. So if you will be so kind to back off I won't need to hurt you where the sun definatly don't shine nowadays." "No, your not leaving." I sighed. Inhale. Exhale. Then I prepared myself for something I've only done once in my life. And it worked out well, given the surcumstances at that petuciliar moment. I looked at him, gave him my most innocent smile and kneed him between the legs. I watched as his face contorted in pain, a vein standing out in the middle of his forehead and without looking back I walked out of the little  gift shop. Just as I walked out of the little gift shop, I spotted Jason coming down the stairs. I walked up to him and looked at his face to try and figure out if I should tell him the thing that happened in the shop or leave it until things cooled off between us.

When I saw his face, sad and confused he looked adorable. Like a puppy. Now who wouldn't coo at that or forgive the person wearing that face the instant they saw it? I walked up to him and just hugged him. He was surprised at first but after a couple of seconds of me just hugging him, he lifted his arms and returned the hug. "I'm sorry," I whispered,"I shouldn't have acted that way." I pulled back and he placed his hand at the back of my neck. "I'm sorry to. It may have been just a couple of minutes, but it was the worst couple of minutes of my life. I hope we never fight again." I bit my lip, wondering if I should tell him about what happened in the little gift shop. Well, here goes nothing. "What are you thinking about?" He asked as he studied my thinking-face. "Well, when I went to the gift shop to blow of some steam, there was a guy who I talked to and he was fine until he said something like he has been on this earth for over two centuries and he said something like how ironic it is that he hasn't found me until today. Then I went to leave, but he stopped me so.. I knee him where the sun don't shine and left the shop and then I found you." "Wait... You kneed him? And then you left?" "Yes, that's exactly what I did."

"Impressive. But do you know him? Does he even look remotely familiar?" He said as he contained his laughter. "Thanks but no. I haven't sent him until today." He thought it over for a minute and nodded to himself. "Okay, let's go get some rest shall we?" "Sure." He took my hand and we walked like that to our room in comfortable silence. People stared at us, mostly women. I felt uncomfortable under their gazes and he seamed to notice it because the next thing I knew he is telling me something inside my head. Don't worry. Their just jealous. You'll get used to it in a couple of years. I raised my eyebrows at him with a hint of a smile. Okay, maybe a bit sooner if your a fast learner.

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