Chapter 9 : Reunited, probably, yeah - no.

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I looked up from where I was tied to the bed when the door slowly swung open. Please be someone I know! Please! But no such luck as another guy entered the room, looking like he might cry and quite attractive. "Roxanne?", that voice. I looked up at him, fearfully. He came and sat next to where I was tied down to the stupid bed and stroked my hair. Moving it out of my eyes. I leaned away and he stopped. "I knew you wouldn't be able to remember . I should never have let you do that to yourself. I will make this right,"he said and kissed my forehead ,"I promise." And left me alone agian. After a few minutes I saw a couple of people outside and I took my chance. Well, it didn't work out the way I wanted because calling for help was pointless, that bastard left nothing to chance.



I knew exactly where she was. I didn't know how but it was like some gut feeling told me exactly where to go. So, here I was, hidden from sight looking straight through the window of the room Sam was being held in. Now for the hard part. I walked around to the front of the house and approuched the door.
Should I make an entrance or simply just knock like normal people?
Let's make it.....
I knocked hard agianst the front door. I could hear a couple of heartbeats, maybe three in the entire house. After probably debating to open the door or not it was finally opened. And I punched him in the face without looking who it was.

I ran up the stairs full speed and I got to the room where I heard her heartbeat. I saw her, tied down. "Sam?", I asked unsure. She looked at me and I closed the distance and was about to untie her when, " So your the prick that kidnapped her in the first place?" I spun around and came face to face with Mitch. "You fucking asshole! Why Mitch?!" I was so angry. I mean how could he? I punched him and he went flying out the window wich woke her up. "She was mine before the incident, Jason!"

"She was never truly yours! Don't blame it on the fucking accident, what happened happened!", I yelled back, fangs beared. All of this yelling and Sam finally seeing the true me - the monster I was destined to be, scared me the most. But not as much as not being able to do anything, ever agian for the woman I loved. "She doesn't remember because of that fucking incident. I looked for her for thirty goddamn years only to find out that you got to her before I could! The reason she has no memory is partly because of that!",he said as he climbed back through the window.

"How the fuck do you know?! Did she tell you why she wanted to wipe her memory?! No! She didn't! The only person who knew why is lying, fucking tied down, on the bed." By now my eyes were bloodred and my incisors lengthened witch I didn't notice untill now and I beared my bloody fangs at him. "Listen here, I'm going to tell you what is going to happen now. I'm going to take Sam here and leave. You do not follow or even attempt to follow either of us. If you do I will personally rain down so much pain you would wish you never popped out of your excuse of a mother."

I saw him nod to Jason. After that I was free in a couple of seconds. "If I ever see your face agian, I will make the rest of your life hell!" Jason threatened and we took of towards what I now called home.



"Are you okay?", I asked as we made our way to the bedroom. He didn't make a move to show that he heard what I had said. "Hey, are you listening to me?" Still no reaction. None whatsoever. "Hey!", I said, louder this time and snapped my fingers infront of his eyes. He blinked. Well, that seems to work. "Huh? Did you say something?", he asked. "Yeah, I asked if you were okay.."

He sighed and ran his fingers through his messy hair, something he had been doing alot lately. "Yes, I'm okay. Want to get some ice cream?" It made me smile, we had gone through alot lately. Maybe a little bit of ice cream will cheer up the both of us. "Sure, same place as last time?", I asked and I could barely keep the excitement out of my voice. "Definatly, their the best!"


"Okay, you ready?" He asked as we waited outside of the ice cream factory. "Yes, now let's go get some ice cream!" I started forward but was pulled back. "Yes?", I asked Jason, he had a look in his eyes I've never seen before. He didn't answer instead he moved a bit closer to me and what he did next surprised me. He kissed me. I pulled back, "Jason? What are you-" I wasn't sure how to react or what to feel. Before that sentence was complete his lips found mine agian and this time I didn't pull back.

His hands moved of their own accord as did mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His kiss was... amazing! My mind couldn't keep up with what my hands were doing. I let out a little yelp as he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. I broke of the kiss agian and just stared into his eyes. "We can't do it here. Let's just get inside before we continue." He lowered me to the ground and I took his hand and led him inside the factory. Once inside he didn't waste a second. We were kissing each other again, atleast we won't get caught by any random person wandering this time of night .

By now the ice cream forgotten, we were just some people who broke into an ice cream factory to have some privacy while we made out.
Well, atleast we both seemed to enjoy it.

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