Chapter 15 : Dealing with banshees

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Wonderfull. Now I have to deal with a load of banshees. Atleast it's been a good couple of years since they last showwed up. I can't even remember why they showed up last time. "Sam?" "Mmh?" "Just stay close okay?" "Alright." We came to a spot where there was a burnig fire and alot of banshees, "Great! Isn't it? I paused as I took a nervous breath, "Okay, let's go back. If they are still here the same time tommorrow we intervene." "Okay. Are you sure you want to wait until tommorrow night? It sounded quite bad the way you spoke of them." She said her eyes filled with worry. "Yes, I'm sure. Let's give it another 24 hours just to find out what they are up to. If they are still doing this," I said as I pointed to the group of banshees," then we will investigate or intervene. Whichever is needed most." We head back to where we found the others and explained the situation. They all agreed to wait another 24 hours before intervening and somehow we ended up around a large campfire roasting marshmellows. "Want to hear some interresting stories from what we've been through?" Some guy asked. I haven't notice him untill now, when he was sitting next to me. "Sure, I could do with the history lesson." Sam said and ran a hand through her hair. He cleared his throat and he had everyones attention. "It all happened at the eve of a warm summer's night. All of us, well almost all of us, were busy hunting a couple of witches who invaded the west. You see, witches weren't really powerfull when facing a single vampire alone never mind a whole battalion of vampires, but they had numbers far greater then the vampire battalions at that point of war. We thought we would be able to distract them and scare them so much that they would retreat, but that didn't happen. We were taken by surprise and none of us had time to react. They planned to set up a trap for us, the trap we fell for. They used a single child, probably one of their own, to lead us into the very clever set trap, if I do say so myself. We didn't have time to react because they attacked us while we were still unaware of the situation. I think Jeremy, oh dear Jeremy, was taken captive and used as bargian later but we never saw him agian after that. The witches used their captives as donors for their mistress. Their mistress was a hybrid, half witch and half....something monstrous . No one knew what so that made her extremely powerfull. No one came back alive after facing her alone or in a battalion. The only reason she kept some soldiers alive was to send a message but they too died shortly after. We kept searching for these witches who invaded the west and caught up with all of them. Luckily this time, we caught them off guard and killed most of them. Others we kept around for snacks but a witch's blood wasn't as delicious as a young human's. Soo we crucified them and burned them to death after we were through with them." It was silent for a moment as his story sunk in. "Wow, I never knew that there was something like vampires, never mind witches. I think my brain is going to shut down because all of this new information I get every day." Sam said as she let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding. Not that we needed to breath, old habbits die hard. "Don't worry. You get used to it, it will take some time. You really have nothing to worry about, your still new at this but you'll get the hang of it. Quite soon so I hear." He said and smiled. "You think so?" She asked as she nervously played with a strand of her hair. "You have nothing to worry about." He said. "Thanks!" And she beamed smiling a bit.

"And if you worry, I'll be there to protect you." I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her to my chest. "I can do that myself, thank you. But it's always nice to hear that someone has your back." "Always.", I said and kissed the back of her neck. She giggled and pulled away. "Your ticklish?" "Noooo." Was her reply but she wasn't good at lying. "I know you are," I said as I pounced on her and we both fell to the ground ," I think I know where you are the most ticklish." And I poked her sides, just above her hipbones. And I kept poking until she couldn't keep the poker face and burst out laughing while wiping tears away from laughing so much. "I knew it!" I said and continued to tickle her a bit until we both got over it. Atleast I know how to cheer her up. She will never have a reason to be upset anyway. I won't let that happen. Never let that happen.


Hi, everyone. Soo, like I know I take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to update but PLEASE keep reading. Sometimes I get mental blocks and the storie is put on hold. I want to make the chapters perfect and as flawless as I can with my knowledge so please don't stop reading!













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