Chapter 11: Till death part two

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Okay, just get to the kitchen, get the stake and hide. Breath in, breath out. I got to the kitchen and spot the oven almost immidiatly. I quickly ran to the oven and opened the door and scanned the inside untill my gaze landed on a dark, sturdy wooden knife-like thing. I grabbed it and quickly thought of some place to hide in the house. I looked around the kitchen, my heart beating a thousend miles a minute. I dashed to the library. No one looks in the library. Right? I thought and I ran quickly but quietly to the library. I was standing infront of the door in a matter of minutes. I turned the knob, checking to see if it was locked. It wasn't. Thank goodness! I entered and chose a dark spot in one of the bottem shelves of the bookcase in the middle. There was some sort of small cubbard. Without a second thought I opened the small door and was surprised at how deep it actually was. I'll fit without too much of a fuss. I crawled inside and turned so that my back was to the wall. I looked at the door, expecting someone or something to rip the door of it's hinges.

*About an hour or so later*

I was beginning to cramp up and I don't think I'll be able to be in this position any longer . I needed to strech, even if it's just for a minute. Couldn't hurt right? I thought and debated whether to get out of my hideing spot and strech out my cramp or not. Fuck it! I'm not going to sit here and cramp up any longer! Sorry Jason. I slowly swung open the door and looked around, looking for anything suspicious. After a few seconds when nothing jumped out at me, I slowly eased myself out and stood up slowly, streching out my cramp.

Wow, Samantha! You were scared of absolutely nothing! I let out a quiet but relieved laugh. Wow! I took a deep breath and my laughter died down. I was still the only person in this room, but hey! Rather safe then sorry,right? I walked back to my hideing spot and I heard a floorboard creak nearby, probably a few rows away. After a few seconds I heard the floor creak once more and in the silence I could also hear someone breathing. But their breathing was, I don't know, it wasn't ragged. Instead it was even.

I walked down another isle trying to get out of here before they realise their not alone. But did my plan fail? Unfortunatly for me.... YES. " Don't take another step if you still want your head attached to the rest of your body! " Someone wisper-yelled from behind me. I swallowed. "Turn around. Slowly." I turned around slowly and stared at the barrel of a shotgun. Whoever it was, they went to great lengthes to stay unidentified. This guy, he was long, well build and he was wearing a tan overcoat. Underneath I glimpsed atleast half a dozen weapons on his person.

He was wearing black combat boots, the tan overcoat, a simple black denim and black t-shirt. He had black hair, slightly curly and he had yellow eyes. Wait? Yellow eyes? "What are you?", he asked confused. I didn't answer. He thumped the hammer back, " I'm not gonna ask you agian. What are you?" "I'm...", dammit! Now was not the time to stammer, "I'm human." I could see confusion in his eyes. "Then what the fuck are you doing here?"

"What do you mean?" "Your not suppose to be here. Why are you here, right now? Why.. oh shit!" "What?" "It cannot be you! I mean.. your not her!", he yelled at me in complete and utter disbelieve and lowered his weapon. "What are you talking about? What do you mean I cannot be her? Who is she?" "Come with me quickly!", he exclaimed and grabbed my hand. I followed him, still too confused as to what is going on.

He led me towards a door that definatly lead to the roof. "Why are we going to the roof? What's up there?", I asked as I tried to get free of his grip. He didn't answer, instead he opened up the next door and we were finally on the roof. I could see atleast half a dozen men up here. I could see a couple of guys struggling and then I saw why. Jason. "She's here!" He yelled and the struggling stopped. Jason looked up and his eyes were crimson. "Stay away frim her you useless piece of shit! I will slaughter each and everyone of you if something happens to her! Do you hear me?! You heard the rumors and I know you know what I'm capable of! And I asure you, some of them are true!", Jason shouted at them in rage.

"Oh, I'm not going to lay a hand on her. But they will. They've been waiting for this day for far too long. Do you think she will remember then? Will she be as happy as she is now? With you?
There is only one why to find out, am I right?", he said and walked over to me. "I swear if you lay a finger on her....!" "You what? What can you possibly do to me that I will not enjoy?"

Without realising what was happening he pushed me over the edge and I was falling to my death.



He pushed her over the edge. He's gonna fucking pay for what he did! Within a matter of seconds his men who were straining me were nothing but dead. I had him by his throat soon after and my eyes were probably crimson. "You'll regret this!" "You think I have any..." I couldn't take it anymore so I put more presure on his neck causing him to gasp for breath untill he let out his last. You got what you deserved you fucking heartless piece of shit!

Without wasting a second I was running down to Samantha, to catch her before she falls and break every single bone in her body. But I was almost too late.

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