Chapter 21 : Dreams and Adventures

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I stumbled back, tripping over some garbage bins, sending the contents everywhere and causing me to land on my butt. I looked up but the light wasn't helping much. I could barely see anything except for a muscular figure towering over me as I sat on the ground, even with an arm over my eyes to ease the brightness. "Oh? And who might you be?" I asked the figure. I knew it wasn't the time to be sarcastic but I couldn't help myself. He didn't answer me. By the looks of it he was a man. I stood up, but when I heard him growl in protest I continued to stand up but slower this time. Once standing on my own two feet again I slowly looked up and almost let out a small yelp by how close he was actually standing to me. I had no chance to make it past him. " Can you move just an inch to your right?" I asked. By now the only thing I could use to defend myself was my smart remarks but I'll eventually say the wrong thing at the wrong time that would probably get me killed. I didn't expect him to actually oblige, hell! I expected much worse, but luckily he did and I made a run for it. Zipping past him and into the night towards the lights. I didn't know where I was or where I was going but I didn't stop, but then again I didn't need to. Turning a corner I found myself in the exact same place with the same man I was currently running from only this time he was at the other end if the ally. "Your just wasting your time, running. Your in a dream loop. You cannot escape until you wake up." He said without turning in my direction, he whispered but I heard him as clear as day. I was stunned. I couldn't speak and I momentarily forget how to form words. "H-how? H-how is th-that p-possible?" Oh now you decide to stutter! He shrugged. "Oh, that helped a lot! Thanks buddy!" I said rolling my eyes and sighing, crossing my arms over my chest while I felt helpless. "Okay, so you say I'm in a dreamloop. What is going to happen? And as you said I wouldn't be able to get out of here until I wake up." "Well, that depends." And that's all he said. I waited for him to continue but soon got irretated and finally asked what I wanted to know, slightly raising my voice. "Depends on what exactly?" "First of all it depends in how long you will be stuck here. Second of all, we don't know how long you will be stuck here in my world but if you're still here then we should get some clothes to not bring any unwanted attention to us." "What do you mean us? I'm the only one out of place here. Wherever this may be." "No, you're not. As I'm going to be seen with you for the time being, there is an us."
I put my hands n my hips, anger boiling n my veins and my face probably red from it. "Now your just taking this to far." "Well, let's see. Do you know this place as well as I do?" "No." "There's your answer,darling. You'd literally be lost without me and by the way, we don't speak like you do." "What do you mean by that?" "How should I put this? We tend to speak a bit more formal than you do. And of course your slight different accent." "You have a point. So what do you suggest I do? Try and learn the accent or something?" "That's a marvellous idea! It will decrease the risk of being noticed." I sigh. Wonderful! Just what I wanted.

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