Chapter 17 : You sure don't look that old.

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Authors note:
Hi, soo. I'm a little busy at the moment. Okay, I'm busy a lot but please just keep on reading. Thank you for those who have gone this far and this... this is the end of my book.

Who am I kidding. Just joking. This book is far from finished and I plan to make every single chapter worth it. For those of you who have read the first few chapters of my second book... thank you very much. Please share it if you love it. And go do yourself a faver and go read my second book . Writing is a bit slow with two books but I'll manage. If you don't know what I'm talking about: I started a second book aka Zombiefied. Thank you! Enjoy the rest of the book. :)
Please follow me....


Once we boarded the plane we took our seats and fastened our seatbelts whdn the seatbelt sign lit up. Half way through the flight I realised that Jason wasn't a friend of air traveling. How do you know that? You may be thinking. Well, simple things like when the plane first took off he gripped the armrests for life. Now, he keeps looking out of the window down go earth. Almost as if he's waiting for the engines to fail and the whole plane is going to crash. All though we'll survive. "Are you afriad of flying?" I asked after half an hour of him casting worried glances through tge window. "Sort of." Wow! I thought he would lie or put on a brave face or something. But he just came out and said it. "There really is nothing to be afraid of. The pilots are licensed to fly a plane."

*After the extremly hilarious and frightning flight*

"Come on! We have to get our luggage. So that we can do whatever we need to do." 1. Yes I was so excited. I cannot begin to describe how excited I was. 2. For those of you who may have been wondering, I found Jason's extremely frightening experience hilarious! What? Wouldn't you? Oh that's right.... Only some of you will.... "Okay, okay. I didn't think that you'll be excited as I am that we're getting of the plane." I turned around to face him with a blank look. "Where are we staying?" I asked instead, as he was ignoring my stare. Screw him! Australia was extremely hot. Damn! Even vampires who rarely get sunburn, apparently can get a nice little tan. Maybe I'll look more normal then usual. "At an old friend of mine." "Does he know we're staying there?" "As a matter if fact he does. I called ahead before we boarded our flight to Australia." "How do you always have everything easy in life?" "I don't, I just get my timing right. You'll get used to it in a couple of years." I sighed. "And by a couple of years you mean?" "In about half a century of so.." I threw my hands up in the air, very dramatically may I add. "Half a century?! Are you kidding me?" "No, not in the slightest Samantha. I rarely kid about habits that you can form when you have time for practically everything in the whole world."

About 6 o'clock that night

Surfers Paradise. Five star hotel. I probably still look like a goldfish as I look at everything in awe. Someone clearing their throat brought me back to reality. "You done staring or should I come back later?" "Nope.... I'm good." "So are you moving from your spot any time now?" "Eventually." Jason sighed and turned walking in a direction and I quickly came to my senses following him inside. "Took you long enough." "Hey! It's not every day I get to stay at places like this!" "Oh. So my house isn't big enough now?" "You know that's not what I meant." "Sure sounded like it." "I'm done with this discussion. I'll talk to you when you've grown a pair and manned the hell up." "We haven't even checked in yet! We don't have rooms!" "No shit, I'll be in the gift shop when your done!" "Where is that?!" "I don't fucking know!" By now every single soul who was in the room was staring at us. Let them. It's rarely that we fight, like we never fight. So maybe it's not so bad at all. Maybe it's something we needed.

I sigh as I enter the small gift shop with a ding pronouncing a new customer. There wasn't much. Just some post cards and memorial shit. In case you were wondering I'm quite pissed off. "Need help finding something ma'am?" A voice asked. I looked around. I'm basicly the only person in this little shop. "Look up, too your right. No! Your other right. Oh, fuck it I'll just come down to the cashier. Hi, I'm Jerry by the way." I saw a tall,skinny figure walk down the stairs to the level I'm on. He wore chino's and sneakers with a button up shirt with just the first two buttons at the top undone. He had messy midnight black hair and bushy eyebrows completed with an adorable smile. His face lit up when he saw me and I could make out his name tag. "Um..hi. I'm just blowing off some steam." "It's fine when you need my help just shout." He said and laughed a bit. "Say, what's a pretty little thing like you doing here in this big hotel... All alone?" I don't know what it was. But something felt very off when he said that. "Vacation. And I'm not alone." "Not alone? I don't see anyone else with you." "We fought. And I'm blowing off some steam." "Did you really think that it's such a good idea to be alone with another man.. Your what? Fifteen?" "Seventeen. And your what? Twenty six?" "No.... Not even close. About 200 years old. " "What does that make you? Very old?" "That, dangerous and experienced." "Experienced in what exactly?" I asked carefully, I don't think I'll like the answer he'll give me... and I didn't.

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