Chapter 7 : I almost died

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"Are you freakin' mental or something?", I asked as I dried my hair. "No, why?" "I almost died and it would have been your fault." "Your still alive, aren't you?" "Yes, but.." "Then why are you mad at me?" Pinching the bridge of my nose and taking a few calming breaths I finally give him my answer,"Because I almost died." "But your alive and you wouldn't have died. I promise." "How do you know?" "I didn't." "My point-I could have died." "But you..." "Didn't. Yes, thank you for remindig me."

"So. What do you want to.." He vanished before finishing his question. "Jason?", When I didn't get a answer I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I exited I could hear raised voices from the floor below my bedroom.
Yes, I'm actually in my bedroom. Tada! The voices didn't worry me. It was probably someone he knew. I walked out of my room and passed the library on my way, where the voices were coming from.

Wearing nothing but a pair of jeans, loose fitting t-shirt and my favourite hoodie and socks  I silently crept closer too the library door. "You wouldn't.." "Oh? Then you clearly don't know me well enough, brother" Okay, he has a brother. Wait... HE HAS A BROTHER?! " I will not let any harm come her way, even if it means hurting family." "Very well, have it your way.", the second voice, Jason's brother, said as it neared the door.
Shoot! I need to make myself scarce... but the door opened before I could. "You heard everything didn't you?", Jason's brother asked after staring at me for a few seconds. It was like looking at an older version of Jason but, his brother was a bit taller them him. And Jason was pretty tall.

Well, shit happens! Wonderfull ain't it?  "No." I didn't like the way he looked at me. Creep factor! "Just leave us, brother. You have other matters to attend." "Yes, indeed I do." And with that his brother left the house. "What was that all about?" "Nothing to worry about." "Sure.. " I said, I didn't know how to react.

"Sam?" "Yeah?" " Do you want to do something fun tonight?"  " Hell yes!"


We were riding down the high way when I asked agian, maybe tge fourth time,:"Where are we going?" "Surprise." "Why won't you tell me. You asked if I wanted to do something fun and now you won't tell what 'fun' we are going to do." "I think you'll find out soon enough." He said as he parked the car infront of the shopping mall.

"Couldn't you just tell me we were going to the mall?" " We are at the mall, but we're not actually going to be inside." "What?", I asked confused. "Just wait and see." "Fine!", I mumbled. "Your cute when your angry." "No, I'm not!" "Yes, you are," he said as he smiled at me, his eyes lighting up. "Nope!" "Yes!" "You don't stop do you?" "Nope! I like challenges."

"So do I and I always win." "Really?" "Always." "So do I!" "Meh, maybe we can have a couple of challenges ourselves."

Short, I know. Sorry... :(
I'll try my best... *hugs*

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