Chapter 8: Some things are not what it seems part 2

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I had to split this chapter in two because it was getting quite long. Hope you like what you see. :)


I just got the alarms to go off, to signal someone of my presence when I heard a rattling sound. The trunk was being unlocked. As it swung open I stared shocked into the face of my kidnapper. I dropped everything just there and backed away from him as far as I can. To my dissappointment the trunk wasn't as big as I thought it was. He took hold of both my hands in his and pulled me out making me fall to the ground with a painfull grunt.

I got up slowly, realising I cut myself on a big rock when he pulled me out. It was just a couple of scratches, nothing to major atleast. It will be fine in a couple of days. He stood atleast a good thirty centimeters away from me. No chance of outrunning him, his to close. Dammit! No, harm in trying. Right? I thought as I summed him up. I could probably outrun him. Probably. Well, here goes nothing. I broke into a run in no specific direction. I thought I got this, but no. Unfortunatly, I didn't.

"No!", I screamed as his arm encircled my waist and I came to a sudden halt. "No harm in trying is there?", he asked as he walked back towards the house we stopped infront. I didn't dare answer him. All I wanted was to get as far away from him as possible. Something about him just didn't feel right. It's like I knew him, but I only saw him for the first time when he opened up the trunk. Still it didn't feel right.


Great! Now what? I thought angrily. After my escape episode, no matter how hard I tried, he locked me in a bedroom. The door was locked, obviously, and the windows were bolted from the inside. I tried everything to get even the stupid windows open. Just a bit for me to get outside and then I can make a run for it. Don't know where to but anywhere except here was fine.

I sat down on the bed and my mind seemed to wander about, thinking up escape plans and ways not to die in here. I thought for a second, I saw a couple of houses nearby. Close enough to hear my screams? Maybe. "Hey! Someone help me! Hey! Please...", I stopped because he entered the room and looked quite furious. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea.. "Shut. The. Hell. Up!", he had anger issues. Oh well!

I eyed the room. No exit, well maybe if he moved a couple of paces to the right I can just walk out the door. I swayed to the left and he moved parrallel to me, leaving a massive gap to the right. Perfect! I broke into a sprint. Halfway out the room, almost doing my victory dance,  but got pulled back by the color of my hoodie. "Not so fast young lady!" And he basicly threw me back in the room where I landed on my ass. "No harm in trying." I spit back and got up.

"No, your right," he said as he reached for something on the table thingy just outside the door of the room I was being held in ," there is no harm in trying." He smiled at me wich only made me fear him alot more. And to make matters worse, the thing he reached for was.. a bloody roll of tape. I just signed my own death certificate. Fuck! Now how am I supposd to get out of here? He walked towards me and kicked the door shut. I might as well scream now. I screamed.



Well, she did try her best. I pounced on her and we both fell to the floor. Looks like I was going to have to use other methods to refresh her memory. She struggled agianst me, how adorable! "If you don't stop this on your own, I'll have no problem in helping you", I wispered in her ear. She just ignored me and ,"FUCK YOU! YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! GET OFF!!"

She was kind of cute when she got angry. I think I might keep her. "Okay." I rolled of and stood up. "Looks like you won't be going any where any time soon." She just stared at me wide eyed and the fear was clearly written on her face. "What?! What do you mean 'any time soon'?" She asked as she backed away from me. "This." I said and approuched her showing the roll of tape in my hand.

"No, no, no. You don't understand. It's not a good idea." "And why is that, Samantha? Is it what your calling yourself now?" "Yes, what do you mean? I was born sixteen years ago." "No, you see. You weren't born sixteen and a half years ago. No, you were born ages, hundreds of years ago." "That's impossible! You don't'-" "I know exactly who you are, Roxanne." "Roxanne?! Who is..?!" "You probably won't remember. You had your own memory wiped." She didn't do anything for a couple of seconds so I let my guard down, big mistake. She ran past me and out of the house, I easily caught up with her, but I still shouldn't have let my guard down.



"That should do it," I sighed and walked out of the room. Locking the door nontheless. I knew she couldn't get out now but I wasn't taking any more chances. Just then a familiar engine roared at the front of the house. He was early. Probably because his wife has finally been found after two and a half centuries.

"Where is she?", he asked in a deep voice, climbing out of his expensive mustang. Jerk! "Masterbedroom. Enter at own risk." He was inside in milliseconds. Looks like their going to have a long talk. Vampire-asshole! And since when did he know how to pick a lock?



I tried my best but the tape was to freaking complicated and there were no sharp corners in the room , all the furniture had rounded edges and to make matters worse.... I could only move a few feet in each direction. And that bastard didn't leave anything to chance, he heard
that I could probably alert someone. So, yeah.. I think you can make out the rest yourself.

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