Chapter 16: Traveling or hunting?

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Hi, just want to thank all of you who are reading. I'm trying my best to update as much as possible but time isn't my best friend at the moment.

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Important notice:
So.. I was thinking on starting with a new book.
It's not about vampires and some of you may like it others won't.
Luckily not my problem ;)

I was thinking on a zombie book. Don't see many of those so why not?
Ps: If you like it then it's just a bonus!

The name of the book will be Zombiefied.. classic!

Thank you very much!


Damn you Jason for finding my ticklish spot! I thought as I giggled when he poked me. After a while he stopped and I quickly sobered up. I sat there for a moment to catch my breath when an idea came to mind. What if he is ticklish? I jumped him when he least expected it , falling to the ground and started poking his sides. I kept poking him untill I looked up to see his face, while I straddled his legs just at his hips. Eyebrows rose and a smug looking grin. Asshole! " That is just so not fair!" I sigh as I get off of him and to my feet. "What? That I'm not ticklish but you are?" He mocked, smiling. I scoffed at him and used some very detailed sign language. "Whoa! It's not my fault. But.. " I quickly spun around just before he pounced agian to attack me. "Jason, don't! I'm serious." I said but my smile betrays me. Stupid smile, stupid emotions! "So am I." And he pounced and the room was filled with my pleading and laughter as Jason continously poked my sides and I gasped for breath as I laughed. After a while he stopped and rolled off of me to lie next to me instead. I looked into his eyes, a bit breathless from my laughter. It was quiet. A perfect moment to be kissed. I realise. I see Jason's eyes flicker to my lips and back to my eyes and I smile as I see him thinking the exact same thing. Next thing I know, his front is pressed to mine and our lips are connected, mine moving in sync with his own . Absent minded I let my hands trail over his toned back and I feel him tense then relax afterwards. His hands raking through my hair, possibly a mess by now. Not needing oxygen means we could be making out forever and we wouldn't need to stop. Ah, the wonderfull advantage of being a vampire or the walking dead as some people call us .

Our make out session is rudely interrupted by a knock from the door. Way to ruin a perfectly awesome make-out session. Assholes! He groans as he stands up from the floor, the annoyence clear in his eyes. "What?" He growles as he opens the door. His hair is completely messed up. I can see the colour draining from his face, but why? I don't know the answer to that. Well, it can't be good news. He closes the door very quietly and turns around so that his back is resting agianst the door. The look of.... shock live in his eyes. But something else also lingers in those freaking eyes of his. He slid to the floor without me noticing and I don't really know what to do. Luckily, curiosity got the beter of me. "What is the purpose of your face?" I asked. Seriously Samantha? Now your quoting Home? After I asked him that question his shocked expression turned into one of confusion. "What?" "Oh, nothing. Just something I saw in a movie. What were you so shocked about? It looked pretty serious when you turned completely white." "Nothing to serious." "But?" "But we may have to go on a trip." "A trip? Where to?!" I asked excited. "I was thinking about Australia." "Shut up! We are going to Australia?" "Yes, we'll be leaving tommorrow morning. Is that okay?" "It's fine with me!" I can't believe it, Australia?! I always wanted to travel but I never got the chance.



Sometimes when he shows up, it's not as bad as it seems. But to be honest, that rarely happens to be the case. But as we rode to the airport I couldn't help but think : Why now? Why after half a centurie woukd he show up? I looked for hom for thirty years and now he just shows up out of the blue.
I couldn't help but feel a bit betrayd. He promised to stay out of my life.

I didn't realise how preoccupied I was until a car honked at me and Samantha gasped. That quickly brought my attention back to driving. "Hey, are you okay?", Samantha asked. I almost caused an accident. Sure the both of us would've survived but who's to say that the people in the other car would? "Yeah, I fine. I was just deep in thought." She smiled at me and turned to look out her window agian. When we arrived at the airport, we made sure to pack some light luggage for Samantha to carry so that people won't get suspicious and the more heavier looking luggage was for me to carry. Yes, we vampires think of everything and I'm not kidding. "When does our plane board?" I looked at my watch," In about an half an hour or so." Sam sighed, "Feels like forever when your a vanpire. What can we do to pass the time?" "Well, I was thinking of feeding anyway. Human food does nothing to satisfy our hunger." "Just to be clear: Are we travelling or hunting. Because you seem pretty tense?" I closed my eyes for a brief moment. Might as well tell her . She probably already figured out most of it by now. "If you really want to know. We are travelling for a hunt."

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