Chapter 22 : An adventure in a unknown city

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"So, who are you any way? Are you like me? A vampire I mean?" We were currently in a diner from this era, and I must say it's quite cosy. "Do you known why I am in this dreamloop?" I couldn't help myself. I needed to known as much as possible from my current situation so that I can at least help and know what to do if this ever happens again. To me or anybody else. He just looked at me, completely calm. The exact opposite of me. He took a sip from his coffee before answering my questions. "Well, answer to your first question you'll learn eventually. Answer to your second question, yes. And answer to your third question, I am a vampire but not like you. I am unique, as they say." I took a sip of my coffee but almost spit it back the moment the foul drink landed on my tongue. "No offence but this era's coffee tastes disgusting." He smiled at this. Looking at me through the steam of his own cup of coffee. "Don't worry. You get used to it after a while. I used to be just like you in the beginning. Now I'm quite used to this era's coffee and way of life."

"Wait. You mean that you are also stuck in this dreamloop thing?" "For a couple of decades actually. " "So that's why your helping me because you've been through it yourself. When and for how long?" "Let's just say that I'm already here to long to go back to my era." "Like twenty years?" He laughed. "God no! More like around eighty." My mouth fell open at this. "Almost a whole century already?" I exclaimed loudly but quickly covered my mouth with a hand. "Sorry." I apologised. "Yes. How long have you been like this? From your reaction I bet not very long." I clasped my hands together. "No, not long. I'd say almost a year at least." "Interesting. You act like you've been like this longer. Who turned you if you don't mind me asking?" He took another sip of his coffee. "Well, that's new. Jason. They guy I'm actually dating right now." "Did you know each other before he turned you and how did you two meet?" I laughed nervously at his question. "I don't think you would want to know that." I tried avoiding his question. "Oh, now I'm even more interested to know." Damn you! I sighed. I seem to be doing this a lot lately. "Well, I won't say that we met through friends and our love grew from there because that would be a total lie." I ran my hands through my hair. "This is more difficult to explain then I thought it was going to be. I don't really know where to begin." He smiled again. "The beginning is a nice start." I laughed a bit. "Probably, yeah."

I took a deep breath, even though I didn't need oxygen any more, before I started the whole tragic story. "Okay, so my parents weren't really around when I hit puberty and they started to go out more in the evenings, leaving me alone in the house at night. It just so happens to be one of those nights when I sort of met Jason." "How did you two meet? Did you sneak out or something?" "Uhm, not exactly. I was in my room asleep when something woke me, and I ignored it the first time but when I heard it the second time I knew I wasn't alone in my own house. So, I like, got out of bed and silently walked to my closet-" "Did you hide there?" "Uh, not really. I changed into some clothes and I actually hunted a couple of times with my dad and I kept my hunting weapons in my closet as well. So, I sorta, geared up and waited for the intruder but I never heard him enter my room so I waited a while and then walked out of my closet, about to go back to my bed to sleep when, uhm. ." He looked a bit shocked. "He didn't like, bit you when you walked out did he?" "No, he actually saved my life by turning me." "Okay, please continue." "Well, he actually kidnapped me. I still don't really know why. Guess I'll ask him when I get back." "Wait. He kidnapped you?" "Yep." I said popping the 'p'. "Asshole!" And every one in the diner turned in our direction and he smiled at all of them and I saw his eyes change colour, like a gold colour or something. He suddenly stood up from where he sat across from me and what he did next surprised me. I didn't even know vampires could do that. "Sorry folks. Continue with what you were doing and forget what just happened." I looked to each of the people in the diner with us and every one seemed in trance and after a couple of seconds every one began talking again like nothing happened. He sat down agian and when he saw my expression he sighed. "Sorry about that." "What did you like, hypnotize the people or something? Because you have got to teach me how to do that."
"I, uh, hypnotized them as you said. But it doesn't harm the humans. Why do you want to this?" "Well, for starters when I feed and a random person happens to walk by, I wouldn't have to kill the poor soul. I can just hypnotize him and will get to live a little longer."

"Good point. Come on let's go." "Go where?" "I'm going to teach you how to use your vampire abilities to the fullest and you don't really have anything else that could possibly keep you occupied until you return to your era." "Good point." I used his words from just a couple of seconds ago and he smiled a bit. I stood up and followed him out of the diner and into the busy streets of this unfamiliar place. "Follow me." He said as he shrugged on his coat and put on his hat. And I did.

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