Chapter 8: Somethings are not what it seems...part 1

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After my almost death we ate atleast ten liters of ice cream, I only managed to eat two and a half liters. Yes, I was sad. When I'm sad , I eat ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.

"Are you okay?", Jason asked as he entered my room. "Yeah, I'm fine. Really." He walked over to my bed and sat on the end. "What's up?" "Nothing." "Want to do something?" I gave him a worried look. He sighed, "I promise, it's nothing like last time." "Just because you promised." I said as I got up and walked over to the bathroom.
"What are you doing?" "Taking a shower", I said in a duh tone.
"Oh.. okay," he said as he looked away and walked towards the window. In the bathroom I stripped down and washed myself, letting everything bad that has happened in my entire life go down the drain.

I washed my hair, leaving the conditioner in for a few minutes before washing it off. I looked at myself in the mirror, it's like nothing has changed. But ofcourse, alot of things have changed. I walked out, towel wrapped around my body - drying my hair with a towel. I dispise blow drying my hair, it breaks much easier.

I pulled on my underwear and stood infront of the wardrobe - it freaks me out a bit to find all the clothes in my size. I took out a pair of dark skinny jeans and paired it with a cream coloured shirt. I pulled out a dark red hoodie with a unknown logo and pulled it on. I wasn't really a 'girly' girl so I didn't do high heels. I pulled on a pair of socks and my black boots. Comfortable and stylish.

I turned around looking for a mirror to do my make-up and something with my hair when I let out a little yelp. "You forgot I was in here didn't you?", he asked, smirking. "Kinda, you didn't even say anything!" "Well, how could I? I was enjoying the view." I glared at him,"What view?" "Out the window, ofcourse." "Yeah... I'm suppose to believe that? Do I have stupid written acros my face?" "No, but I actually was looking out before you came out of the shower." "So you were staring at me?" "Kinda." "Oh my god! I'm scarred for life!" "Oh, stop making it sound like a such big thing. It's not like I never saw you naked before." "I'm not even going to ask when or how. No, wait. I think I can answer those questions myself."



I could hear every single word that girl said. The way she breathed told me alot of things. When she was scared, happy, asleep... anxious.
Mortals were so easy to predict. Yet, I found myself confused as to why she wasn't scared of him. It was like she knew him for ages. They talked like old friends.
I could hear her heart speed up everytime she was near him or incontact with him. Silly little girl your not his... your MINE! I thought.



"Did you enjoy the day?" I asked nervously. I took her out to the carnival near the woods. I still remember the way her face seemed to lighten up when I led her to the gates of the small carnival the town hosted.
Her eyes sparkled, showing inicince. I have never seen so much inicince on someones face untill today.

"I did. Thank you!" She said as she gave me a hug. Precious as they seemed to be, I could never get enough of them. Especially hers. "I think I'm going to bed now. See you tommorrow." She said as she yawned and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I was shocked to say the least. God how I missed being tired, sleeping. She reminded me of everything I miss, what I did when I was alive. "Goodnight," I said as I walked with her to her bedroom, "hope you sleep well." I didn't enter, instead I stayed outside her door until I could hear her normal heartbeat - she was asleep.

I sighed and practicly skipped to my bedroom. Today was a good day, one of a few I had.



I woke up in the middle of night to a couple of photos falling from the walls. I didn't understand why they would just fall by themselves, until I felt a cool breeze on my skin. I don't remember leaving the window open or opening it at all. Irretated, I got out of bed and closed the window and got back into bed, waiting for sleep to find me agian.

A couple of hours later I woke up agian to the wind blowing viciously. It was cold this time. I slowly opened my eyes. I was about to get up to close the window agian when I was pushed back down. Confused, I tried to get back up and was pushed down agian. Thinking of something to do other then just standing up from the stupid bed, I punched at nothing but darkness. The second punch I threw was caught with a big hand, crushing my tiny one compared to whoever's hand it was.

I didn't know how to react, I had to think fast. If I can get out of this room and sprint to Jason's room, maybe they won't follow. But before I could put that excuse of a plan into action I was pulled out of bed, falling to my knees. I struggled agianst whoever it was and was thrown harsly to the bedroom floor. I got up and was pushed agianst the wall, I looked up to this person's eyes. They had a funny glow to them, almost a shocking light blue-yellowish color.

My best option of survival was calling for help, I was defenceless. I didn't even have a single weapon nearby. "Jason.!", but I was cut of by being thrown face first to the nearest wall. My vision was blurry and I was defenceless. Thankfully my nose wasn't broken, but it still hurt ,alot. I cleared my head, my nose was throbbing with pain, to stand up and I somehow needed to manage getting to Jason. Or anyone who could help me. I didn't get the chanch because I was already being dragged acros the room, losing conciousness. Oh hell!



It wasn't easy, she was pretty tough for a girl. A fighter. She was perfect, just like how she should be. I wonder why I only found her now and not then. What happened to her? She wasn't always like this. Why did she leave this life behind all those yeas ago for a normal life?

I pulled up infront of our house cutting of the engine. I sat there thinking, I know she could not remember. It was part of the plan. I hope I didn't give her any brain damage. As if on que knocking came from the trunk. I smiled, she will remember everything soon. I'm sure of it.



I opened my eyes to darkness. I felt around to get a better sense of where I was, or what I was inside of. I felt this thing surge forward, ah. A car. I'm in the trunk of a car. Wonderfull, isn't it?
Having nothing beter to do I started knocking agianst the inside of the trunk. "Hey! Let me out!"
I did everything I could before I grew tired. Maybe I can alert someone in some way.

I pulled out the wires in the car to signal someone of my presence. "Shit", I cursed as I burned my fingers, trying agian. I just got everything right and I could finally signal someone connecting the red and blue wires. I heard the car sirens go off and I mentally cheered for myself as the plan worked. Not two minutes later rattling could be heard as the trunk was being unlocked. Well, shit happens.

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