Chapter 3: Escape plans

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It has been at least three days and I've just been inside this stupid basement, his kitchen and the guest bathroom. WONDERFUL! He would come down and give me food and let me use the bathroom but that's about it. "I'm bored down here! Can I get something to read at least?", I called out. I know he heard me, maybe he didn't. I've been bored out of my mind down here and I would call up to him occasionally telling him how bored I was. I was about to call out again when the door to the basement flew open and he stormed inside, his eyes bloodshot and his hair a bit disturbed. Shit! He was sleeping and I woke him, now he is going to be grumpy! "WHAT?!", he asked. "I'm bored and I can't do much down here", I said in a shaky voice.

"Oh?", he asked, eyebrows lifting up in amusement, I think. "Yes.", I said but this time I didn't squeak in fear. I looked him in the eye, dead serious.
"So, just because your bored you decided to wake me up?" " No, I just want something to keep me busy." I said, I felt damn invincible right now, asking him something, just because I can.
"Do you like reading?" I nodded, not trusting my voice. He was calm as he asked me that. " I'll get you some books from my library to keep you busy."
"Thank you?",I said unsure how I should react to stuff like this.


I have forgotten how quickly time went by when I was reading because after he left me he told me he will bring me dinner. I didn't know what time it was when he came walking in with a plate and a glass of..... water. "What time is it?", I asked as he took my now clean plate away. "Just after eleven." "Day or night?" " Does it matter?" " Yes, to me at least." "Daytime." And that's all he said before going up again leaving me with my books. I didn't mind, I had time to explore and find my way out..... somehow. Anyway I went back to reading and when I thought he was 'asleep' I snuck out of the basement and I found myself in his kitchen.

I walked out the hallway to find hundreds of doors that look exactly the same. Great! Know I have to peek inside every single one of them. I started with the door closest to me. Making sure I was the only one in the hall I quietly opened the door and took a look inside. It was a guest bedroom. Huge guest bedroom. I closed the door again and went to the next one. This was a library, maybe five or six bookcases stacked with large books from every kind. Now I know where to update my reading-score!

The next three rooms on that side was locked so I obviously couldn't explore them. I walked to the one across as I tried the last door on the other side only to find that each and every one of them was also locked. Yay, now I have to go back to the basement before mister grumpy fangs wakes up from his slumber.


I took the book I was reading back to the library I discovered earlier, seriously he needed some light reading. All his books are about history and dead kings and queens from even before my whole family tree existed.

I opened up the door to the library and placed the book where I found it. I scanned the books for some 'light reading'. Walking down the aisles, I didn't once take my eyes of the books. Maybe if I hadn't been concentrating on all of the topics or try to read them before I realised it was in a language I didn't understand , I would've seen him standing in my way. But I didn't and the result of that was me bumping into him. He was standing with his back to me, thick leathery book in one hand - looking very big and heavy and did I mention BIG - "Sorry, I didn't see you." I apologized. "No worries, just remember to watch where your going next time." he answered not lifting his eyes to meet my gaze. I was confused. Fuck!

First he doesn't speak to me, then he let's me read and know he apoligises? When I leave here I will belong in a loony bin! I took a book about the very house I am being kept agianst my will and walk back to the basement. I can at least learn the layout of the house. Making my escape plan a whole lot easier. 
I mentally fist bump myself.  Booyah!
"You can't escape. This house is too secure.", he said not looking up from what he was reading.
"How did y-", I was cut off by him, how rude!

"I can hear your thoughts." " Good for you!" "Being sarcastic will bring you nowhere in life. It will be best if you learn to not be sarcastic around people." "Whatever.", I walked back to the basement and fell onto my bottom, opening the book I had in my hand and started reading. It was a book about the history of this place, oh great! Well, I atleast had something to do so I didn't complain.


I was so exhausted after THAT book. Man, I could really use some Redbull right now, I thought. "Don't  have redbull in the house, Sam", he callex from above. Great! "Do you have any energy drinks here?", I called up. "No!" "Energybars?" "No." "Enerjellies?" "What?" "Enerjellies. It's sweets that give you ... ugh whatever." 

When I finished reading the book I put it aside and fell asleep using some of the pillows and blankets he left here to make a Christmas bed. It wasn't that comfprtable but it wasn't like I could ask him for a bed, okay I probably could but I didn't.

When I woke up it felt strange - it wasn't the hard cement floor I was sleeping on earlier. It felt... comfortable, like a bed. I didn't open my eyes instead I just turned around to aviod the bright light. After about another fifteen minutes of just lying there in the bed decided to get up.

I walked over to the small closset in the room and was surprised to find clothes, my size. Now that is just wrong! After taking a quick shower and pulling my hair into a messy bun I walked down to the kitchen to find him drinking a glass of crimson liquid. "Good morning!", he greeted still sipping on what I think is blood. Gross! "Uh, hi?" " Did you rest well?"  "Sure...", I said. I didn't know how to act around him. Jeez, I'm so comfused.

"I don't mean to be rude but is that blood in your glass?" He looked at the glass witch was now half empty and smiled at me, showing his now lengthened fangs. "Clever little human. It is indeed blood.Do you have a phobia? "

"Actually, no. I don't but I've never known about vampires until you so you can say I didn't know anything about them except what I'm learning from you." " Fair enough. If you want to ask me questions feel free to do so. I may not have all the answers your looking for but I can find out." "Okay, but you have to answer all of my questions as truthfully as possible otherwise it's useless."

"Ask away.", he said as he leaned his back agianst the wall and looking freaking hot while doing so.  Stop it! You are not falling for him. He kidnapped you and your trying to find a way to get out of this stupid place!  My inside voice always had a way of bringing me back to my senses. Thank God for that!
" First of all who are you and why did you take me away from my home?"
"Answer to you first question : I'm Jason. Answer to your second question : you will find out eventually. I'm not telling you that."

"Soo, Jason." I say testing the form of his name on my tong. "What do you mean I will find out the answer to my second question? Why not just tell me now?" "Just because." "That's not a good enough reason." "Well, it's the only one your going to get, for now."

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