Chapter 4 : Awkward moment

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Huh, Jason. That name doesn't even suite him. Jason sounded like a nerd. Maybe he was a nerd in school. Nah!

I was walking about the house inspecting and exploring, when I heard raised voices from below.
I thought we were the only people in the house. -facepalm- Of course we're not the only people in the house. It's HUGE! I followed the voices until I was standing infront of the open back door looking out to a beautiful garden.  But, I swear that the voices originated from the garden.
I went back inside walking to the library to get the time by. I never did anything else. Just ate and read and maybe talk to Jason a bit, but that was about it.

It sucked. Funny! I smiled as I thought that. Living in the same house as a vamp and I'm saying it sucked. There was not much to do here. I went to the kitchen to see if there was any snacks in there, lucky me! I took a bag of Nik Naks and went back to reading while eating chips.

I was almost done with the book I was reading when I heard a loud thump  come from the room next to mine. I put down the bag of chips and listened carefully. I was beginning to think I imagined it when another thump, much louder, filled the deathly silence of the house.

Like hell am I going to sit here and do nothing. I thought. I got up leaving the half empty bag of chips on my bed and tip toed to my door. My heart was hammering in my chest as I placed my hand on the doorknob to open the door. Okay, just open the door quickly and take a look around. If theres nothing just go back to reading. Taking a few long, deep breaths to calm myself I finally open the door and just as I expected- nothing.
The room was an exact copy of mine, well maybe just a bit more tidy then mine.

"What are you doing?", someone asked right by my ear. I yelped and turned around placing my hand on my heart as it raced away. I kept my hand there as if I could manually get my heart to beat slower. "The fuck! Don't do that you almost gave me a heartattack!", I screamed in fright. "Oh please! Stop acting so dramatic. It will take alot worse to cause a heartattack." He said as he rolled his eyes.
After awhile it became awkward. I didn't really know him but who wants to sit in a akward silence?

"Sooo....", I said looking around. " What?", he asked, eyebrows raised.    "Is there anything to do that doesn't involve getting killed or something?" He laughed," Yeah, we actually have a tv and a playstation. And a pool, but not at this time." " What do you do for fun?",  I asked as I took a step closer to him. "Wanna see?", he asked as he offered me his hand, wich I took hesitantly. " Hold on tight." And we were moving so fast me hair wipped around my face, my eyes became a bit blurry with tears but it didn't bother me.

After a short while we were standing on the rooftop lookig out to a marvelous view. It was all green grass, colourful flowers and tall trees wich you only saw the top of them. I was still holding his hand, afraid he was going to let go. "Ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess." And we were running agian but this time he piggybacked me. We ran for what felt like only fifteen minutes before he came to a stop infront of a ice cream factory. "What are we doing now? Stealing ice cream?" "Well, yeah. You in?" "Why not? I've never stole anything in my life. This should be interesting."


"Do we need to be quiet or something? Wouldn't there be guards?", I asked. I was a bit scared because I have NEVER stole anything in my life. "The quiet part, yes. The guards? Who steals ice-cream?" "We are about to..." "Yeah, but it doesn't matter. No one will now. Trust me!", he said as he broke the lock with his hands.

"Why would I trust you?", I asked as I folded my arms acros my chest. "You've got a point... okay. Be as quiet as you can and follow me." " You know where they keep the ice cream?" " In a refrigerator, duh",he said and rolled his eyes. We walked inand I could see how his animal instinct took over. He inspected each room making sure we were the only people inside, busted the securety cameras with a BB-gun he had in his pants and picked all the locks on the door's until we finally made it to the refridgerator with loads of ice cream stacked in piles.

"Flavour?" "Napolian." "Ugh, chocolate thank you!" "Why chocolate?", I asked because napolian was much nicer. "I love chocolate!" "Wow! Who knew a vampire can br inlove with HUMAN food?" "Say what you want, I like chocolate flavoured ice cream and you like napolian. We are oppesites, get over it."
I opened up the tub and grabbed a spoon from the table. He saw a kitchen earlier and since we were eating/stealing ice cream, we sort of needed them.

We sat down at the door of the room filled with ice cream and dug in. It wasn't long before ice creams known enenmy made it's way to my head. "I hate it when that happens!", I said as I rubbed my temples. "When what happens?", he asked with a mouth full of ice cream. "Brainfreeze!" He started laughing. "It's not funny! Prick!" "It kind of is, you see I don't get brain freeze any more." He said while smiling. I glared at him mumbling something under my breath before stuffing my face with ice cream agian. " What was that?" " I said brainfreeze is not funny!" " Well, it kind of is." I decided to leave it at that and continue to eat my yummy ice cream, brainfreeze an' all.

"We should probably get back. They will be opening in about an hour or so...", he said as he took his last bite from his stolen ice cream. I have finished mine fast after the brainfreeze episode and already threw away the tupperware. "Probably," I sighed and got uo from the floor. "Fuck it! Grab a tub of 5l vinila and chocolate ice cream and I'll meet you outside.", he said and walked out.
"How fast can you run?", I asked as we both started walking away from the ice cream factory. "Pretty fast. Why?" "You might want to otherwise the ice cream will melt before we got back."
"No problemo! Get on." I climbed on his back and within miliseconds my hair was being blown back by the wind as we ran through the streets back to his huge ass house.
Within minutes we were standing in his living room, the ice cream probably already in his freezer.
"See you tommorrow." I said and went to my room.

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