Chapter 13: This means war

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"Is that all you've got?", I challenged her. Man, she was adorable when she got angry. "Oh, taunting me now are we?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Well.... two can play at that game! "Oh, scared are we?" "I. Am. Not. Bloody. Scared.", she said and I could see her anger flare. The other way to notice is our eyes turn a deeper crimson when we're angry as when we're hungry. And her eyes glowed! "Then, give it you best shot."
I was surprised to say the least ,but she didn't put enough strength into it as I was pushed agianst a wall and her small hands were around my throat, trying to choke me. Damn! Now I love you even more! I thought.

Standing there dumbstruck for a moment, just staring into each others eyes. I felt her hold on my throat loosen. Some improvement needed. And I took my chance. I quickly flipped us around so that our positions were switched and now... yes, I know. But do you think it's a good idea? Eh, let's just do it. I leaned in, millimetdrs from her lips and she leaned a bit forward. I leaned in a bit more and BAM! Just like that my arm was being twisted behind my back. Sneaky! I like! "Looks like I win." She said as she releashed her hold on my arm and I'll be lieing if I say I saw that coming.

"Good job, sneaky!" I said as soon as she released her hold. Damn! She sure was though! And strong, might I add. Who am I kidding, of course! She's a vampire for crying out loud! "Okay, that's enough for today. What about we do something fun?" I asked as I streched my arm she had in some sort of lock. "Always!" "Okay, any ideas?" She scoffed and as a reward I got wacked on my head from behind. "Okay, okay," I said between laughs," I probably deserved that. I'm going to meet up with an old friend of mine and I would like you to accompany me." She looked interrested, Ha! I know she's interrested. "What's the dress code?" I laughed. She doesn't even ask who this friend is, just the dress code. How adorable! I just want to kiss her right now. "Just change into something you'll be able to move around in. In other words, combat gear if you like." She found it in the closet of the room she was staying in before she was turned, yes we are now sharing a room. Wasn't her first choice, honestly. But I had a way..



The combat gear consisted of tight fitting black leather trousers but flowy at the bottem, like a bootleg denim. A black leather jacket, longsleeved. My boots and the rest was straps and buckles. Oh! I almost forgot: a plain black short sleeved t-shirt. I had my holster for my gun and my hunting knife in it's scabbard. "Damn! You look so hot right now!" Jason said as I walked out of the room. He was already geared up, I was still a bit slow but I'll manage. He also wore black leather. What a coincidence! I blushed a bit, thank goodness it wasn't as noticable as when I was human. "Uhm... Thanks." He pulled me quickly to him and crashed his lips to mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was over way to quickly. I longed for him, to treat me like I'm everything to him, because he was to me.

"Okay, back to the hunting. Will it be just the two of us?" I asked as I pulled away but kept my arms around his neck. "Uhm, no actually. A couple of us are hunting and since it will be your first time, it will be good experience to hunt in a group." He said and we pulled apart, taking my hand instead. "Where will we be hunting? The woods?" He bit his lip and thought it over before he answered me. "For your sake, yes. But I have to tell you that human blood is more filling then animal blood. The reason why your not given human blood at first when your newly turned is because you still have to learn to control your thirst for human blood."

I nodded my head. It was like being taught how to hunt all over agian. I had to start at the bottom and work my way to the top. Just like I have to start at the bottom now and work my way to the top in a couple of years. I'm fine with it. I don't know if I can stand letting a human be my first kill. I was nervous to say the least but, strangely I was also looking forward to it. Jason already eased my burning hunger in the beginning with a couple of bloodbags he had in his fridge. But they weren't enough anymore, less filling. I needed something stronger to quench my thirst. So.. the next step was animal blood. Won't be so bad right? I mean we humans useally eat them. What's the difference? "They will be here in a couple of minutes." "Okay."

. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Wow! When you said a couple of minutes I was like, expecting minutes maybe ,ten." "We're vamps. We are fast and where's the fun in having acces to speed and you don't use it your advantage." "Point taken. Looks like it will take a bit more time to get used to being extremely fast and everything that comes with it. Are we ready to go?" "Looks like it." And all of us, just about five vampires in total, sped of to the woods. Of course, I was last to arrive just a couple of minutes after the others. "She's good. I mean for a newly turned vampire you sure are fast." A guy to Jason's right comments. "Thanks. I was very active before I was turned." I stuck with that excuse for now.

"That explains alot." And all of us instantly picked up the smell. Blood. I was the first to zero in on the origin of the smell. It was a pack of lions, but that's not where the strong smell came from. It was the blood of the animal they were ripping apart. "Challenge?" One of the other vampires asked. "Sure, why not?", Jason replied and I could see the challenge in his now crimson eyes. "I'm in," I replied ," What's this challenge?" I asked and smirked. "First one to get a drink.... wins. But we split into teams. So, first team who get's a drink wins." I looked at Jason the exact same time he glanced at me and I knew we were in a team.

Their in for some serious ass kicking! I thought as I small, evil laugh escaped my lips. "This means war!" Someone shouted and the next thing I knew all the teams were charging forward. I laughed and joined Jason. Goodluck! Your gonna need it!


Hi!! Hope you liked this chapter. I've been busy this couple of days so I disn't really have time to update as much as I would like. I know I write loooong chapters but I just find it silly to write stupid short chapters. And I make sure the chapter is complete before I publish, explains alot. Hope you enjoy it!

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