Chapter 20: Nowhere is safe

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Author's note:

Hi, just wanted to thank all of you who have been with me so far on this book and I hope you will continue and recommend it to fellow readers on Wattpad. As some of you all ready know: it 's a long wait for the next chapter but I don't want to write a load of crap and make the story sound stupid (as some of the stories I've already read on wattpad. No offence.) As I'm busy with exam the updates will be slower but I'll write every chance I get. I'm almost done so you just have to sit tight for another two to three days and then my updates will be faster. I really want to recommend a story that someone I personally know is writing. Her chapters may be a bit short but I promise it's worth it. She is also busy with exam and , like me, it takes a while for her to update because she doesn't want o disappoint you guys! Please do yourselves a favor and go check out her story : Masks with secrets by Rochelle Rossouw. Thank you!

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I woke up, startled. I sat upright in the bed and thought about all the possible things that could have woken me. Maybe just some pigeons or something ,never the less I strained my ears, trying to pick up the faintest of sounds or movements in our room. Nothing. Nothing except for Sam's uneven breathing pattern and her being restless. She has been tossing and turning all night. I wonder what I should do? As I sat beside her in the bed with the covers pulled up to just below my navel she suddenly sat upright and muttered. " Nihil durat in aeterum. One quid Haber Expiration Date. " I quickly translated, not even realising that I said it out loud. "Nothing lasts for eternity. Everything has an expiration date." As sudden as she sat upright and said those words she went back to laying down and sleeping as if nothing had happened a mere five seconds ago. I watched her. Clearly not expecting that and after a moment I realised that right after she said those words she could at least sleep undisturbed for the rest if the night. I didn't really want to wake her I guess I'll have to leave it until morning.

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I was in a dark ally. The wind, howling in my ears. There was little to no light and even with my vampire sight I could barely see anything. I heard someone running a few miles from where I was, they were running from something. Something fast and beastly. A few minutes passed and I could hear heavy breathing, a beating heart and blood coursing through vein's. I couldn't help but notice how my fangs were out and I ran my tongue over my teeth. "I didn't know I had company tonight." A man spoke as he came out of the shadows. I turned around and looked at him. I could barely see anything. His face was well hidden in the shadows. "Who are you?" I asked. Standing my ground. "I think the better question is dear, who are you?" I didn't like the feeling I got from him. Something dark and something that was best left undisturbed. I quickly thought of something and looked this man in the eye, or where I thought his eyes would be anyway. "What year is this?" He sighed and just when I was about to repeat my question he spoke. "1999. Your not from here. I don't think I have seen you here before, ever. Who are you and where are you suppose to be, because you and I both know it's not here." The human part of me, the scared part of me was telling me not to trust this man. I couldn't trust him. No matter what happened. I couldn't trust him.
"Are you going to answer me or stand there for the rest of the night because I have things I got to do. So, would you mind on telling me now before I have to get the information myself, dear?" I didn't like the way he talked to me. The nickname he gave me. Dear. I have to - no - I need to get out of here. It wasn't safe. I need to get back to the twenty first century. Back to Jason. The real world isn't safe for me. Not now. I need a safe place. My dreams were suppose to be safe and horror free. It was my only escape from the cruel world I live in now. But.. not even my dreams were safe anymore. I looked up. Searching for the man that I haven't answered yet. No sign of him. Yet. The logical part of me said. I walked out of the ally in search of a place to stay until I wake up. I wasn't even half way out of the ally when I walked straight into a wall of pure muscle.

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