Chapter 10 : Till death

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I woke up in my bed, with my arms wrapped around Samantha. I smiled for a moment, what happened last night at the factory played itself over and over in my mind. I was still staring at Samantha's sleeping figure when an unfamilair scent hit me. Way to ruin the moment I thought. I got up doing my best not to desturb her. I quickly got dressed and made my way down the stairs, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Never a good sign.



I woke up but didn't open my eyes. It was cold. I don't remember being cold. That's when I open my eyes to see the spot where Jason should've been empty. I sighed, getting up and entering the bathroom for a quick shower. After I felt refreshed and I heard a dripping noise coming from somewhere in this huge house. Probably nearby because my hearing could never be as good as that of a vampire.
Or I was being paranoid because the dripping can come from this very bathroom, I mean I just took a shower. I walked out just to find out where the dripping sound originated. Blood . It was all over the bedroom. The bed, mirror, every piece that furnished the room was covered in the crimson liquid we called blood.

I let out a chilling scream that would send shivers down to the bone when I saw ALL of it. This wasn't just one person's blood. There's too much of it. I could hear footsteps and a sound like the wind. The next thing I know the bedroom door flew open, almost off of it's hinges infact, and Jason was standing in the door panting with just some pajama shorts and his hair was messy. He looked at me for a minute before the smell of blood hit his nostrils and his attention was averted to the blood dripping of the walls.

"What the hell happened in here?", he growled and I could see his eyes turning a brilliant shade of red, almost like the colour of blood. I stammered, too shocked to form any words in my mouth. He took a deep breath and took my hand leading me out of the room and into the kitchen a couple of halls away. He put the kettle on and made me tea. "Milk?" "Yup." After a few seconds I was sitting next to him at the small working table with the cup of steaming tea infront of me. "Okay, start from the beginning. When you woke up." I took another deep breath and exhaled loudly. "Okay. I woke up and saw that you were already up. So.. I decided to take a shower and when I came out I...", I started shaking as I remembered the image of how the room looked like. "Don't worry just take a deep breath. That's it." I did as he instructed and continued with my story. "I could hear dripping from somewhere in the house. And when I, when I came out of the bathroom the bedroom was covered in blood. It dripped from the walls. It was everywhere. I was so scared," I cried and he pulled me into a hug, rubbing comforting circles on my back. I felt so bad about messing up his shirt. Now it was ruined and had mascara smudges.

"Shhh.. don't worry. Your fine now." He kissed the top of my head and rested his chin on top while still rubbing circles on my back. "Now I've ruined your shirt," I said into his shirt, my voice a bit muffled,"Now it has mascara on it." "Don't worry about it. It's just a shirt. It can be washed and eventually replaced." He let go and I drank the tea. I tasted good, I've never drank tea before in my life. I was more of a coffee kind of girl, I think that is about to change. "Finish your tea and meet me in your room." He got up and left. The tea was amazing and as soon as I finished every last drop of it I placed the cup and saucer in the sink and walked to my room, calm.

I quickly changed and got in the bed with a sigh. I layed there for a while, just thinking. I turned around and shrieked when I saw a dark figure sitting in a chair at the corner. I quickly put the lamp on, "What the heck Jason! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He laughed lightly. "It's not funny!" "Oh, no your right. It's not funny... it's hilarious!" "Oh, just shut up will you." "Someone is embaresed." "No, I'm.. not embaresed." "Sure...", he said and came to lie down next to me, his face centimetres away from mine. I tried being angry at him but found it impossible, the way he smiled at me, the way he looked took my very much needed breath away.

This is one of those perfect scenes where the guy kisses the girl in the movies. I thought. He leaned towards me, his breath fanning my face. And I leaned towards him, our lips millimeters from touching. He was the one who made the first move as our lips connected and my heart rate quickened to a point where I thought I might have a heartattack. His lips tasted so....delicious. I heard a low growl and I was freaked until I realised it cane from him. "Damn it Sam!" He sighed as we both broke apart, gasping for breath. "Your all I want now..." he said as our lips connected agian.


We broke apart as we heard a sound. Jason listened, I could see him straining to hear whatever it was. "Jason," "Shh." "What's going on?", I wispered. "Stay here and don't come out. I'll be back soon. I promise. If I'm not back in half an hour you go down to the kitchen. In the oven there's a stake.." "Wait, an actual wooden stake?" "Yes, when you find it you hide anywhere in the house and you keep the stake close. Okay?" "Okay..." "Don't move from your spot until I come and get you." I couldn't answer him. I was scared. "Sam?" He asked serious. "Yeah, o-okay."
He kissed the top of my head and disappeared.

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