Chapter 12: Turned

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I caught her and held her close to me. Tears streaming out of my eyes, bloody tears mixed with salty tears. I've never cried for someone before in my life. I knew she didn't have long. The momentum with witch her body jerked when I caught her had caused almost all of her bones to break. "I'm so sorry, Sam. Please forgive me." "Forgive you for what?", she asked, barely audioble. Her voice a mere whisper. "Whatever you have to do. Do it. If it means I'll be with you forever." This made me stop crying. "Are... are you sure you want this?" "As long as you don't let me die." That's all I needed to hear. I hugged her as tightly as I could and burried my face in her neck. She doesn't have much time. Better do it now or let her go. The voice inside me said. And I was not ready to let her go.

"Trust me." And I bit into her neck, my venom entering her bloodstream. Just a few more minutes. Her blood was filling my mouth and I couldn't not swallow. I pulled away and picked up her now limp body and walked slowly into the house. I walked towards her room and layed her down on her bed and I layed down beside her. Just staring at her now blank expression, her skin albaster white. She'll be up tommorrow. Tommorrow she'll be one of us. Tommorrow she'll be a vampire. Tommorrow, hopefully, all her memories will come floding back. Heck! That'll be one headache I will never want. I couldn't do much so I decided to get some rest, after the day we had I strongly advise it.



Wow! I mean... wow! I can't remember the last time I felt so.... ME. It's probably because of my transition from human to vampire, agian. And I had my fair share of that, some took extremely long and others was just a couple of days. But this..... THIS is the quickest transition by far. Only eleven and a half hours.
I don't knkw if Roxanne will exist any more, I like Samantha way beter. She's loving, careing and always have fun. And she loves.... Jason.

Goodbye Roxanne,
HELLO Samantha!



I opened my eyes and quickly closed them agian. Groaning ,I slowly opened up my eyes for the second time. I sat upright with such speed it surprised me, but somehow I just knew what I was before and I how I have evolved as a person, as a.... vampire.
A familiar scent hit my nostrils a second before I lifted my gaze to see a very terrified and excited Jason looking at me. Before I could even voice my thoughts I was squished to his chest, with much more strength then the previous hugs I got from him. I laughed lightly,"Yeah, I'm fine. I feel slightly...." "Sick? Hot? Cold? Wha..?" "If you would have let me finish I would have said excited and nervous." He let out a sigh and I giggled at his reaction.

"Okay, we uhm... you need to.." "Feed? Learn how to hunt? Everything that comes with being a vampire I need to either learn or adapt. I'm ready. To be honest, your way more stressed out then I am anyway and your not even a new born." "Your my mate. I'm suppose to help you through the transition and help you adapt. I'm suppose to worry." "And you will. I feel great. Honestly. Now can you please stop worrying?" He nodded his head yes and squished me to his chest once agian, I wrapped my arms around him returning the gesture.

"Okay, first you need to hunt. Meet you at the front door in five?", Jason asked and took a few steps back. "Sure, do I need to take anything with me?" "Mmh.... let's see: 1. You have weapons 2. You have a mentor 3. Maybe you can bring your knife you hide in your boots aswell. Other then those three I think we'll be fine." "Wait, how do you know about my knife?" "X-ray vision baby!" "No fair. How come you didn't tell me?" "Well, you would have found out eventually by yourself but now you already know. See you in five?" "Yup."


"You have got to be kidding me." "No, no and no." So here's the deal. I'm a newly turned vampire or, new born as Jason calls us. I am currently training to get beter and so forth. You know the speed, the strength , the whole nine yards. So you are kinda wondering why I am so surprised, shocked or whatever you want to call it, right? Well, I'm training and for my first training session I must try and kill him. Insane right? "Just do it already" "Your funeral." And I attacked him. I thought I had everything under control but no. I didn't.

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