The Entrance

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I stare in the mirror looking at my hair, which is a complete mess, running my fingers over the dark bags under my brown eyes, and finally groaning loudly because I feel like crap. It's the first day of waking up before noon, because today is the first day of my senior year. I brush my teeth and finish any other necessities in the bathroom, then walk out across the hall and back to my room then flopping face down on my bed.

"Maybe I shouldn't dress up, maybe I should wear my old clothes. Yeah, that actually sounds like a great idea, then I could just lay here for a few more seconds." I mumble into my blankets since my face didn't make the pillow.

"Alex! Hurry up!" My mother screams from the kitchen.

"Noooo." I whine softly as I slowly slip out of my bed pouting. I rub my eyes and take a deep breath placing my hand on the edge of the bed and pull myself up. "You know what? No, I'm going to look freaking hot because this is my senior year and I'm going to own the dang school."  I huff slightly and walk over to my closet opening the door grabbing a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a white short sleeved crop top and my brothers slightly thick navy green military jacket. My brother isn't actually in the military he got this thing a while back at a random store, and after him wearing it out for a few years he finally got sick of my begging and gave it to me. After putting all my clothes on I sit in front of the full body mirror of my room and begin applying foundation, eyeliner, some eye shadow and all that stuff as best as I can, trying to copy one of the thousand YouTube videos I watched. I take my hair out of the tight bun I slept in and begin messing with my hair trying to get it perfect. After a few minutes of trying to get my hair under control, I'm finally satisfied when my long brown hair is in wavy/big curls. After my hair I put on white ankle socks with small pink bunnies on it and put on my ankle high navy green lace up boots.

I walk out of my room and down the hall to the kitchen/dining room, my family lives in a somewhat small apartment so it's not much of a walk between rooms. I sit down at the high counter hunched over watching my mom go back and fourth between things around the kitchen.

"You have your lunch?" She asks me still not slowly down.

"I'm buying." I say softly grabbing the box of cinnamon toast crunch, from on top of the fridge, eating it straight out of the box.

"Okay, well do you have money?"

"Yes, my money added on to the money you made dad give me."

"Hey, you can never be too prepared. Anyway, are you sure you don't want me to give you a ride like I usually do?" She pauses for a second looking at me and brushes some hair out of my face.

"Yes, Mom, I have my new motorcycle remember?" I grin at her shoving more cereal in my mouth.

"I still can't believe you convinced all of us to buy that thing." She sighs loudly pacing back and fourth again.

"What can I say? I'm very persuasive. I got you, dad, my brother, sister, aunt Mabel, and uncle William to chip in. " I hop off the counter and put the cereal back licking the cinnamon of my fingers.

"Yeah, yeah, I raised a sneaky gross daughter." She laughs softly and hands my a napkin.

"Thanks, I love you too. Well I'm off! Bye Mom." I give her a quick hug then grab my keys, phone, helmet, and shoulder bag walking out of the apartment. I walk down the stairs through the parking lot until I reach my beautiful black Harley Davidson. I place my bag in a small compartment my dad added to the bike and swing my leg over, sitting down. I sigh softly as I put it my helmet on since it's going to mess up my hair. I start my bike and drive out of the parking lot and all the way to school.

Halfway on the way to school I may have stopped at a convenient store for a few snacks. Hey, it isn't my fault I got hungry again. Anyway, when I do arrive at school, I park my motorcycle take my helmet off and run a hand through my hair scrunching it up slightly trying to get it back to its original place. I get off by swinging my leg off again and I grab my bag shoving my keys in there as well. Placing the strap over my shoulder I look up to see everyone staring at me, even a few teachers. My heart begins beating faster but I keep a calm collected face as I begin walking towards the school, still holding on to my helmet. I try to breathe in slowly to calm myself, and it works, at least I think it does because I felt my mouth move in to a small smirk as my hips began swaying more side to side.

I begin walking to my locker, keeping my gaze straight ahead. As soon as I reach my locker I turn to it and begin turning the lock first right, then left, then right again. The lockers are a dark blue color and it's two semi-small lockers stacked on top of each other next to a whole bunch of other ones, I one of the top lockers. I've already memorized my schedule, assigned locker, and combination since it was mailed over the summer. I place my helmet on the bottom of my locker and reach into my bag taking out the plastic bag from the convenient store, hanging it on the small hook in the locker. After I finish I slam my locker and look around to find people still staring at me. I shrug my shoulder bag up more and begin walking to my first period class, at first the staring was kinda nice now it's creepy, like damn.

I glance down for a second causing me to bump into someone. I begin to freak out internally when I look up to see, Blake, the hottest guy in school; tall light brown hair and grey eyes.

"Hey! Watch where you're fuc-" He begins saying and then looks at me.

"You were saying?" I grab my shoulder strap raising an eyebrow at him.

"Uhh-" He glances me up and down then glances at his friends behind him.

"Yeah, uhhh. Next time you watch where you're going, dick brain." I walk past him and his friends, them looking a slightly shocked, and go into my class. I go to the back of the room throw my bag down and sit down. I usually sit in the back, even before my change, and honestly that's the one thing that isn't going to change. I watch as everyone files in as soon as the bell rings and take their seats. As the teacher begins introducing himself I take a deep breath and look at my left hand to see it shaking slightly. I've never said anything like that before to a popular person. I've never done anything like this, wow this is a whole new experience.

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