Yay me.

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"Hi?" I say getting off Blake and scratch the back of my head as I stand up.

"Damn you sure can tackle." He groans softly getting up and stretches his back rubbing his hip slightly.

"Thanks to my brother. Now tell me why are you here, how did you know my address, and why did you show up all creepy like?"

"I'll answer those questions if you answer mine first. Why aren't you wearing any pants?" I freeze and glance down at my bare legs.

"Don't judge me, it's comfortable. Just get in ass foot." I walk back into the apartment and close the door behind him when he enters. I walk down the hall and into my room grabbing a pair of shorts and pulling them on. I walk back to find Blake sitting down on the couch flipping through channels. I walk over and take the remote from him throwing it on the couch. "Why are you here?"

"Rude." He looks up at me grabbing the remote again and I take it away. "Finee." He groans out. "Haven't seen you in forever so I thought I'd drop by."

"It's been like a day."

"Don't complain, you're lucky, I wouldn't do this for other girls."

"Yay me." I say sarcastically. "How do you know where I live?"

"There's a book with everyones phone number and home address that they give in the beginning of the year. Honestly I never thought it'd be useful but I found it in my moms office and boom. Here I am, aren't you going to offer me something to drink or eat?" He lays his feet on the couch and I raise an eyebrow.

"No thank you, get up and get out." I grab his arm trying to pull him off.

"Aleeex come on I came all this way least you could do is feed me."

"Fuck you, go buy something." I keep pulling him causing him to fall on the floor and I groan loudly. "Get out." I say again and kick his ankles.

"You need to work on your hospitality."

"God damn it ass hat get out!!" I huff loudly.

"But-" He stops when the door opens and someone walks in.

"Alex?" It's Dylan, oh fuck man. I'm still kinda pissed at him but if he sees Blake here he'll lost his shit, yell at me then tell our parents. Fucking god damn it. I grab Blake's arm and try to pull him up quickly and he gets up confused. I step behind him and begin pushing him towards the hall. "Are you here? Listen, I'm- who the fuck is he?" Dylan walks into the living room and I freeze, Blake turns around to face Dylan. I step in front of Blake and hold my arms up.

"Who? I don't see anyone but us. I think maybe you're sick." I laugh awkwardly. I must look so stupid right now, Blake is a good foot taller than me and I'm still trying to fucking hide him.

"Alexandra." I cringe slightly when he says my name.

"Fine, this is Blake, he forced his way in here and I was trying to get him to leave. But if you want you can call mom and tell here a some made up story on how I lost my virginity to him." I say dropping my arms.

"Hi-" Blake says behind me.

"YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY TO HIM?" Dylan screams out.

"NO YOU IDIOT I SAID TELL MOM A MADE UP STORY GOD DAMN CLEAN THE WAX OUT OF YOUR EARS." I grab Blake's hand and pull him towards the front door.


"I'M JUST SHOWING HIM THE FUCKING DOOR COOL YOUR VAGINA YOU CAN SCREAM AT ME MORE WHEN HE'S GONE." I open the door and walk out with him, we walk down to the parking lot in silence and I stop.

"He's your brother? Are you going to be alright? I'm sorry I got you in trouble." Blake sighs and wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug. I pat his back awkwardly.

"It's cool I'm use to it. If my family's not screaming at me they're praising him. You better go he's probably watching us." I push Blake away sighing.

"I'll see you at school. Call me if you need anything." He steps away.

"I don't have your number."

"Oh it's-"

"And don't want it." I laugh softly and wave him off and he rolls his eyes.

"See you." He walks down the parking lot to his car and I mumble a 'bye' walking back to the apartment. I walk inside and close the door behind me walking to the couch and sit down.

"Go ahead." I say and Dylan begins on a long rampage. I drift off into my thoughts staring at the wall behind him. I wonder when mom and dad are coming home, this will last for another two hours at least. I wonder if I can get any homework done. Probably not. I wish this didn't happen, I wish I could just talk to them. No yelling, no worshiping someone like they're a god, just talk about my day. Guess that's what therapists are for. If I go to a therapists I don't want them repeating that I'm too young to take meds for anxiety and that I should talk, get over my fears, blah blah blah. I hear the front door open and sigh adjusting myself on the couch to get ready for another lecture.

12 am. They've been lecturing me for 5 hours, they're taking turns. I haven't been able to use the bathroom, eat or get a drink of water, help me. They get to use the bathroom but when I get up noo I get another lecture on how I'm not listening to them. I'm not but that's not the point. I lay on my back feeling my eyelids getting heavier and heavier and I hug my stomach falling asleep to my mother lecturing me on not sleeping. I let out a soft sigh finally getting some peace in my sleep.

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