It was an accident.

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I open my eyes and sit up slowly, groaning and rubbing the back of my neck. I look down to see I'm still on the couch and a blanket on top of me and I sigh, my neck hurts. I wish someone would've woken me up so I didn't sleep on the fucking couch. What time is it? I turn my head to look at the clock in the living room and my eyes widen when I see it's 11 am. Oh fuck I'm really late. Eh might as well take my time getting to school... Or should I not go?

"Guys?" I yell out to see if anyone's in the apartment then smile to myself when there's no reply. Looks like I'm staying home. I get up and place the blanket over the arm of the couch and walk to the bathroom. I walk in and use the bathroom, then wash my hands, and brush my teeth. I stare at myself in the mirror after splashing my face with water and hold my breath. I look tired, bags under my eyes, slightly red eyes, and almost pale white. I turn the sink off and dry my face, walking out and into my room. I look to my phone as I hear it ding and walk over to it picking it up.

Molly: I know you're mad at me, but Ashley dumped her lunch on Layla by "accident." 

Oh fucking hell no. I throw my phone down and pull my shirt off, put on a bra then throw on and old t-shirt from middle school that barely covers my stomach. Slip a pair of sweatpants over my shorts, quickly and grab a bag shoving a few clothes in it. I grab my phone and run out of my room into the kitchen. I shove Dr. Pepper in my bag, Layla's favorite drink, along with a few other snacks and grab my keys and helmet. I slip on some toms and run out of the apartment through the parking lot to my motorcycle. I put my bag and phone in the carrier and put my helmet on jumping on my motorcycle starting it and speeding out on to the road. I don't care if Ashley messes with me but I care if she messes with my friends, that bitch is going down I don't care if I get suspended.

I pull up to the school and get off my motorcycle, grabbing my things as fast as I can and pull my helmet off, running into the school. I stop as soon as I'm inside looking around, the hallway's empty. Everyone must be in class already, fuck. I run down the hallway towards the cafeteria, to find it empty, I run out and look down all the hallways. I see a three people in front of the girls bathroom near the cafeteria and I run up to them.

"Alex-" Mac and Peyton say at the same time with Derek beside them, I ignore them bursting my way into the bathroom. I look to see Jess and Molly in front of the biggest stall knocking on the door, frantically. I hear sobs coming from the stall and I sigh walking up next to them.

"Layla?" I ask as Molly and Jess step to the side to make room for me.

"Go away." She sniffles and I sigh looking at Molly and Jess.

"She's been there for a while we can't get her out." Jess whispers to me and I nod my head.

"Please come out? Or at least open the door so we can come in." I knock gently on the door.

"No. Just go away." She cries out and I drop my hand.

"Fine. You fucking forced me to do this. The things I do for you idiots.." I keep mumbling and lay down on my stomach crawling into the stall underneath the stall door.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She squeaks out as she see me crawling in and I pull my legs in sitting down on the floor and looking at her. Mascara smeared, spaghetti all over her shirt and jeans, and hair all over the place.

"Why didn't we think of that?" I hear Molly ask from the other side, and I shake my head mentally smiling.

"Explain to me what happened." I grab some toilet paper and begin wiping Layla's face and she sniffles.

"I was throwing my trash away and- and Ashley came up then somehow pretended to trip shoving all her lunch on me. She said 'sorry' in that high fake voice and I ran out into here, and began crying." She says quietly and I nod my head as I finish wiping off all the wet makeup and tears.

"Dude, that fake voice is her real voice. Here, I brought a few things for you." I say throwing the paper into the toilet and pull my bag into my lap opening it. I pull out a clean white crop top, loose black shirt, and loose ripped blue jeans. "I didn't know if you wanted a white or black shirt, real pants or not? So I also have these sweatpants, or shorts your pick."

"You brought a lot-" She says looking at the bag and I nod my head, waiting for her to pick. She picks up the black shirt and pulls off her dirty shirt pulling the clean one over her head.

"Sweatpants?" I ask laughing and Layla nods her head smiling. I pull off the sweatpants I'm wearing and give them to her. She stands up pulling her pants off and pulls the sweatpants off. "Ready to go out?" I ask standing up and picking up all the dirty clothes along with my helmet, she nods her head. I unlock the stall and let Layla go first. Molly and Jess rush over to her embracing her in a big hug saying 'sorry' over and over again. I walk to the sinks and place my stuff on it. I open the bag and pull out the Dr. Pepper on the sink, and place a small bag of doritos, licorice, and hershey chocolate bar next to it. "For."

"Really?" Layla asks and I nod my head. I grab a napkin and begin wiping off as much spaghetti as I can from her clothes. She walks over and opens the soda drinking it. There's a bit of silence, except for the opening bags. I freeze as I feel three pairs of arms around me.

"We're sorry." All three of them say at the same time.

"We should've been there more." Jess says.

"We don't deserve you." Molly sighs.

"You're an amazing person and we took you for granted." Layla sniffles again and they pull away. I fold Layla's clothes and put them in my bag turning to look at all of them.

"It's fine, guys. It's my fault for not talking more."

"No shut up." Molly says and I roll my eyes laughing. I sit on the sink and watch as they all eat the snack I brought. I look at the door as I hear the bell ring and I jump off the sink. Show time. I'm going to fucking beat Ashley's ass. "Where are you going?" Molly asks.

"To beat a bitch's ass." I grab my stuff and walk out of the bathroom

"ALEX NO!" They scream but I keep walking out and look at Mac.

"Hold these." I shove my stuff in his hands and he looks at me confused. I begin walking down as I see the hallway filling up with teenagers.

"STOP HER YOU IDIOT" Layla screams and I quicken my pace looking for Ashley. I finally see a head of bleach blond hair.

"ASHLEY!" I yell and run up to her. I see her surrounded by all the popular kids and she smirks turning around.


"Never mess with my friends."

"It was an accident."

"Fucking liar." I feel a shoulder on my hand and rip my shoulder away. I shoot my right arm straight into her face and hear her scream stumbling back.

"AGAIN?!" She screams out and I step forward throwing a right uppercut to her jaw and shove her on to the floor. I breathe quickly and glance up to see a giant crowd surrounding us.

"ALEXANDRA SHEFFIELD." I hear someone yell my name and turn around to see the principle walking towards me. Oh fucking hell.

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