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They all sat at the dinner table, enjoying the baked chicken Connie made. Scott got done first, taking his plate into the kitchen.

Mitch had found himself full shortly after eating most of one piece of chicken Connie served him.

"Do you not like chicken Mitch?" Connie asked sincerely, noticing him not eating.

Mitch looked up at her, "Oh no, I just found myself full."

"You usually eat much more, are you feeling alright?" She asked, concerned.

Mitch blushed, "I'm feeling fine, the meal I had with you guys the first time had been my first real meal in a while, so I was extremely hungry then."

Connie was a little shocked about what he said, but didn't say anything about it, "Okay, I'll take your plate if your full then."

Mitch thanked her and stood up with support of the chair. Scott walked out and put a hand on Mitch's hip and one on his shoulder. Mitch tensed up but let Scott do so.

Scott directed him back to the couch and sat down next to him, "So did you play Mario Kart?"

Mitch's face lit up, "I did, and I'm ready to play you."

Scott chuckled and handed Mitch one controller and got the game set up.

They were midway into their game when Scott decided to speak up, "Sleeping out here again?"

Mitch nodded, "If that's okay."

Scott looked at the other section of their 'L' shaped couch, "Mind if I stay out here with you tonight?"

Mitch shrugged, "It's your house."

Scott chuckled, "Just wanted to make sure you were okay with me sleeping near you."

Mitch pressed harder on the 'Go' button and whipped his head towards Scott when Scott won. Scott gave an open smile towards Mitch and laughed.

Mitch put his bottom lip out dramatically, "You totally cheated."

Scott covered his mouth with his hand and laughed harder, "You're just jealous I won."

Mitch moved his bangs out of his face and chuckled, "Whatever."

Scott shut off the game and took Mitch's controller. He put everything away and went to get pillows and blankets. Mitch grabbed his blanket he set on the couch and spread it out over him, suddenly very cold.

Scott laid his stuff out on his side of the couch and sat down, "Wanna watch a movie?"

Mitch nodded his head and smirked, "Netflix and chill."

Scott clicked on the Netflix option and laughed loudly again, "I wish."

Mitch put his head in his hands and covered his mouth so he didn't laugh out loud. Scott was still grinning while he surfed through the movies they could watch.

Scott was surprised Mitch new the slang that was popular now. Mitch had a phone but probably didn't have any service, just iMessage when he connects with wifi.

"Hey do you need the wifi password?" Scott asked.

Mitch glanced at his phone, "I think your mom already put it in when I was like, unconscious."

Scott chuckled, "Just checking."

Scott pointed to a movie on the screen and Mitch nodded, clearly not knowing what the movie was.

"It's called Frozen." Scott said while laying down.

The couch had two parts two it in the shape of the letter L. There was a little box that connected the two pieces and Mitch stayed on one side, while Scott on the other. They both put their heads to the side with the little box, so they could hear one another.

Mitch pulled the blanket up more and watched the screen, "We should have an honesty hour, we needed know more about each other."

Scott smiled slightly, "Like, 20 questions?"

Mitch nodded, "Do you wanna?"

Scott sat up a bit so he was facing Mitch a little more, "Sure, you start."

Mitch sat up as well, "Raise your right hand and repeat after me."

Scott chuckled and did as he was told. Mitch raised his hand as well, "I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

"I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Scott repeated. Mitch clapped his hands excitedly and put them in his lap.

"We can ask anything right?" Mitch asked.

Scott felt a little scared by the word choice, "Anything."

Mitch looked up a little at the ceiling, "I know you have your mother, but where's your dad?"

"He's stationed overseas in the Army." Scott said simply, likes he's answered it a thousand times.

Mitch nodded, "Next time you talk to him, tell him thank you for me."

Scott chuckled, "Will do, now it's my turn. Where is your mom?"

Mitch felt a wave of heat come over him, "She passed away a few years ago."

Scott scooted in place, "Oh, I'm sorry."

Mitch smiled weakly, "Umm, who's your girlfriend?"

"Her name is no one, because I'm single, and gay." Scott said while plugging in his phone to the charger, "I'm not out to my parents, so keep it hush-hush."

Mitch narrower his eyes, "You're gay?"

Scott chuckled, "Yep."

"I literally had no idea, I thought your girlfriend was that one girl you talk about sometimes." Mitch whispered.

Scott glanced at the tv, "Oh no, that's Kirstie. My best friend."

Mitch nodded and waited for Scott to ask his question, "I could see you're a little shaky around your dad, and he's a little...you know. So what goes on with you guys?"

Mitch bit his lip, "We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. And he doesn't like that I'm gay, so he treats me less than a person."

"You're gay too?" Scott asked.

Mitch rolled his eyes, "It's literally so obvious, don't even."

Scott chuckled, "When you say he treats you less than a person, what do you mean? If it's okay for me to ask."

Mitch shrugged and waited a little until he spoke, "I'll tell you some time."

Mitch didn't know what to say, he didn't want to tell every horrific thing his father does to someone that he is not overly familiar with.

Scott nodded and turned his attention to the movie, "I can't see anything over here."

Mitch chuckled, "Sit on my side, I can see fine over here."

Scott hesitated before standing and walked over to Mitch's side of the couch. He sat down so he was next to Mitch and looked over at him.

Mitch was shivering, even under all of the blankets. He hardly had any meat on his bones, so he got very cold very easily.

Scott put an arm over the back of the couch, "Are you cold?"

Mitch looked at Scott, "I'm fine."

Scott rolled his eyes, "I can hear your teeth chattering."

Mitch chuckled and watched Scott reach under the table, where they kept their blankets. He felt around and saw that it was empty, "We're all out of clean blankets."

"I didn't need one anyw-" Mitch was cut off by Scott wrapping an arm around Mitch.

Mitch's face reddened and scooted closer to Scott, craving his heat. Scott had his arm draped over Mitch's bony shoulders, and Mitch's head leaning into Scotts shoulder.

Mitch was usually uncomfortable with any touching, but accepted this. He felt very warm, and safe at the moment and didn't want to move.

Scott and Mitch stayed like that for the rest of the movie, talking and getting to know more about each other.

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