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"Do you remember when you had a doctors appointment and made me leave the room?" Scott asked as they looked at cheap cars in the area.

Mitch ran his hand down Scotts arm, "Yeah."

Scott closed the laptop and turned a little so they were looking at each other more, "Why was that?"

Mitch stared at him with innocent eyes, "Because she was talking about private things that I didn't want you to hear."

Scott moved Mitch's bangs out of his face and planted a kiss on his lips, "Okay, I won't push you."

Mitch smiled and opened up the computer again.

"So which one do you like?" Scott asked.

Mitch thought for a moment and pointed to a black little car.

Scott clicked on it, "It's a used car, so it's two thousand without the insurance and everything."

Mitch smiled, "I have around a thousand saved up."

Scott kissed Mitch's forehead, "I could loan you the other half if you want."

"No, I wanna buy it all on my own." Mitch said.

Scott smiled and ran his hand down Mitch's side, "Wanna keep looking for other cars?"

Mitch looked outside and shook his head, "No, I'll go home. Tomorrows our last day of school."

Scott nodded and put the laptop on the desk, "I'll walk you home."

Mitch put his shoes on and waited for Scott to do the same.

"I'm walking Mitch home mom!" Scott yelled loud enough for Connie to hear him.

Connie yelled back approval and Scott opened the door.

"So when you have enough money for a car, are you gonna quit your job?" Scott asked.

Mitch grabbed Scotts hand and interlocked it with his, "I dunno, maybe. I'll have to work through the summer though so I don't wanna think about it."

"Do you think they are gonna shut down for the summer? It's a coffee shop so people probably won't be in there as much in the summer." Scott pointed out.

Mitch shrugged and swung their hands back and forth, "Probably not, they might just fire some of the staff-"

Mitch stopped walking and froze at the end of his sentence, "They might fire staff. What if they fire me!"

Scott squeezed Mitch's hand tighter and noticed his face starting to get red.

"Hey don't cry baby." Scott whispered as he pulled Mitch into a hug.

"W-What if they fire me a-and keep Travis?" Mitch stumbled out.

Scott kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back, "You don't even know if they will fire staff. And even if they do the would keep you because you are he most hard working am determined person I know."

Mitch dried his eyes quickly, "Most of the work for the summer will be unloading boxes. You need to be strong for that and Travis is stronger than me."

"Honey, there's no need to stress about this." Scott assures him as they slowly started to walk again.

"Summer starts tomorrow so they are gonna tell us what they are gonna do tomorrow too." Mitch said.

Scott kissed the back of Mitch's hand, "It's okay."

Mitch stuck out his bottom lip and continued to shuffle to his house.

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