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Mitch woke up in Scotts arms and smiled to himself.

He glanced at the clock and saw that they needed to be at school in an hour.

Mitch turned around with a smirk on his face. He started to kiss all over Scotts face to wake him up.

Scott opened one eye and smiled, "What are you doing?"

Mitch giggled and jumped on Scotts lap to straddle his waist. He put his hands on either side on Scotts head and leaned down to connect their lips in a passionate kiss.

Scott was now fully awake and kissing back now.

Lindsay barged through the door, "Time to to go Hell-"

Scott and Mitch jumped apart from each other as stared at Lindsay who was staring at the two, "Umm, get ready for school." She said before closing the door.

Mitch got off Scotts lap and looked at his attire, "Well that was embarrassing, and how did I get into this?"

Scott hopped out of bed and looked in his closet for clothes, "I changed you last light, you fell asleep early."

Mitch nodded slowly, "So, do you have clothes I can wear for school?"

Scott pulled open his dresser and handed Mitch his dress, "That's the only thing of yours I have here."

Mitch widened his eyes, "Don't you have like a shirt and jeans?"

"Not that will fit you, so it's that or nothing because I put your clothes you wore yesterday in the washer." Scott said.

Mitch swallowed dryly, "I-I can't wear this to school."

Scott took the dress from him and put it on the bed, "Why not? You like it, and it's the last day of school."

Mitch looked at it and back at the clock, "I-I guess, do you think I will get made fun of?"

Scott pressed his lips in a straight line, "No, it's a half day so all the kids will probably come into school high. Plus, no one really cares that much it's one day and you look sexy as Hell in it."

Mitch blushed and took it in his hands, "Okay."

Mitch went out to search for the bathroom to change while Scott just slipped on a sweat shirt and blue jeans.

Mitch came in shyly and turned around, "I still can't zip it all the way."

Scott chuckled and zipped up Mitch's dress. Scott spun him around and pecked Mitch.

"You look amazing." Scott murmured against his lips.

Mitch smiled, "Do I wear my sneakers or the heals?"

"Might as well wear the heals." Scott said while handing them to Mitch.

Mitch slipped then on and looked in Scott's mirror.

Scott threw on his shoes and waited for Mitch to go downstairs.

They were both seated at the table eating cereal before they had to go to school.

"So what were you guys doing up there when I opened the door?" Lindsay asked with a smirk as she sat down.

Scott rolled his eyes, "You need to mind your own business and learn knock."

Lindsay held her hands up in defense, "It looked like you guys were kissing, but it's not my business or anything though."

"Kissing?" Scott asked before tilting Mitch's chin up and pecked him on the lips, "Like that?"

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