Sleeping beauty

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Chapter three

"Awww, she's looks so cute when she sleeps." I heard a Irish voice say, I guessed it was Niall.

"Shall we wake the sleeping beauty?" I assume Greg asked.

No. Please don't. I silently begged. My worst fear became reality, someone was shaking my shoulder but I ignored it. Then I hear Niall's voice tell Greg that won't work before he throws a pillow at me I abruptly sat up, "you did not just do that Horan!" I said sternly before nestling him with another pillow.

"Anyway, when you two are done dinner's ready. That's why we woke you." Greg said before slipping out of my room.

Soon Niall and I all a truth and walk downstairs. As Greg said dinner was on the table and everybody was sitting around. I took a seat next to my dad as we dug into Maura's stuffed shells.when dinner was done I was stuffed and went back to my room after clearing my plate. Before going back to my room I said goodbye to Greg who had to get back home to see his baby, Theo.

I closed my bedroom door before going into my bathroom and closing that on as well. Then I turned the knob and water started pouring from the shower faust. Soon it was warm to my liking and I slipped thru the shower curtain and started washing my hair. After I rinsed all the shampoo out of my hair I put some conditioner in before washing my body.

I turned the water off and dried myself with a warm white fluffy towel. When I was dry I put on black shorts and a oversized t-shirt. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and brushed my teeth. Finally I got out of the bathroom and turned on my music before logging on to my computer.

Quickly I typed in my twitter username and password and read several tweets regarding One Direction, and Niall tweeted about me. Wait, he tweeted about me? I stormed out of room and peered into every room until I saw Niall's head. I pushed his cracked door fully open and crossed my arms, "Niall! Seriously! You tweeted about me?"

"All I said was hanging with my sister and brother." He says.

"Still, nobody knew about me, do the rest of the lads no about me?" I asked.

"Of course," He said with a smile.

I gave him a small smile before walking out of his room and into my own. I crawled under my covers, ad turned y lamp off. Though, I didn't go to sleep before tweeting Niall back, "oh, brotherly love..." Then I closed my eyes.


I woke up hearing two voices, Maura and Niall's. Maura was dying something about having plans for today, and Niall replied saying something along the lines of Sony bother trying to wake her up, she sleeps longer than Zayn, and can sleep thru a stamped. My door slowly opened and Maura peered her head thru the crack.

"Good morning, Lena." She practically whispered.

"Good morning."I said groggily while sitting up.

"I was thinking we could go to the mall or watch movies or do something, I mean I've been seeing your father for a year and how often did we do something together? Never." She said rambling on and on.

"Okay." I said trying to end the conversation. I got out of bed and headed for my closet. I grabbed a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a maroon knit shirt. Maura closed my door before leaving so I just changed in my wide open room. When I was dressed I brushed my teeth, and then tried to style my hair.

My hair was shoulder length, had light layers, and side bangs. It was light brown; almost blonde. Soon, I decided on a side fishtail. I grabbed my bear paws and walked out my room.

Maura was waiting for me with her purse an car keys in her hands. I said goodbye to my dad before getting into the car. This outing would be interesting. Why do I mean to 'bond' with this woman. I just feel my dad is replacing mum. Soon Niall will be replacing me and mum will be a memory, and I will be the 'daughter'. Yet, I bet my dad will be so proud of his 'son' I mean he's famous, well liked, and talented. What am I?

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