Falling for Harry?

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Chapter eleven

I woke up to sun streaming thru my curtains. For awhile I just stared at my ceiling. Finally, I got up and walked downstairs, Niall wasn't in the living room or the kitchen so I snuck back up to his room and started jumping on his bed.

"What the hell, Lena!" Niall yelled, before bring his knees to his chest. I stopped jumping and sat in the middle of his bed.

"Niall, we have to leave soon. It's the 31st now, we only have two days left." I whined.

"So you're going to come back you know." Niall said standing in his doorway now.

"Still. I like it here. Why can't I stay with you?" I asked both of us now walking down the stairs.

"Because you're about to graduate, you only have a couple more months left." Man, Niall is sounding more like my dad by the minute. Niall was in the kitchen pouring himself a bowl of cereal when my my ringtone, Over Again started playing. I checked the caller ID to see it was Harry, "Hi Harry, What's up?"

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"Why? What happened?" Now I was nervous.

"Somebody took a picture of us, I'm sorry, I thought no one was there." He started ranting about how sorry he was. I put him on hold as I logged onto twitter. My jaw dropped, "Harry. These are horrible. This is all my fault. I'm ruining the band."

"It's fine, I'll be buy in a little bit."

"Okay." I said and hung up before I started crying. Niall was now by my side as he rubbed my back. People were calling a a slut, whore, shank, and some said I was ruining the band. First, people see me and Zayn together and now me and Harry.


"Harry." I said opening the door before hugging him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and told me it would be okay. I knew it wouldn't though. Before I knew it I was crying into Harry's chest. Swiftly, he picked me up and carried me to the couch. Niall sat on the other side of me, and told me people are just jealous I was related to Niall and went on a date with Harry.

I just couldn't believe people would just hide behind a keyboard and call me names, what did I ever do?" Niall went to the kitchen and brought over a plate of eggs. I didn't want to eat, I just held the plate. The tears stopped flowing from my eyes and Harry took a bite of my eggs, "Harry, that's my food."

"Well, you were eating it, love," He said smiling, "you looked cute when you pretend to be mad at me." He said chuckling.

"Shut up." I said before starting to eat my breakfast. Niall went upstairs to talk a shower so it was just Harry and me. I got up to put my plate in the dishwasher then sat back down next to Harry. He put his arm around me and I snuggled up into his chest. Maybe, just maybe, I was starting to fall for Harry.

"I really do like you." He said.

Silence took ever before I replied, "I like you too." I told him looking up into his emerald green eyes. It appeared that Harry was going to kiss me, but Niall started making his way down the stairs. I looked away from Harry and stared at Niall.

"So I though maybe the rest of the boys could come over for lunch, I just need to go out and get the food. I already called them and everything. And lena, El and Perrie are coming. Harry, I'm leaving you with my sister, don't do anything." Niall said finally finishing his little rant

"Alright. Have fun." I tell Niall before he grabbed his car keys. The two of us watched Niall's car pull out of the driveway. Harry and I finished our tv show and when it finished we decided to play tennis on the wii. I found the tennis attachments and we started playing.

I was kicking Harry's ass when he decided to make a wager, "loser kisses the winner."

"Then get ready to kiss me." I said quietly while smiling. The game started up again, when I soon heard a bang, "oh shit!" I yelled.

"You didn't just break his lamp!" He said shocked, but still laughing about it.

"Will Niall notice?" I asked worried I would get yelled at.

"Um, Lena, I'd like to mention while you were breaking your brother's lamp I scored a couple points." He said making me look at the score, 'crap.' I thought to myself, I lost. I took a step towards Harry and he put his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I went up on my tip toes, and kissed his soft lips. The one kissed turned into another and another.

"Harry! Get your lips off my sister!" Niall yelled. And we both looked up. Niall had dropped the bags of food also dropping his jaw, "why is there glass all over the floor? Where's the lamp? Lena! Harry!"

I ran over to Niall and told him to calm down. He sat down on the couch arm and I told him I broke the lamp. Finally, Niall was calm and brought the groceries over to the counter.


We were all eating dinner while Niall was telling them about everything Harry and I did.

"You broke his lamp?" Lou asked laughing.

"Yes." I replied sheepishly. I was actually embarrassed that I broke it and that everybody knew. I sat there eating my hamburger when Perrie and El started talking about tomorrow.

"So are we still going to the club?" Perrie asked.

"Yeah. As far as I know." Niall said.

"Do you have anything to wear?" El asked me.

"Um..." I was unsure if I did or not.

"Perfect you can go shopping with us." El said as Perrie nodded in agreement.


"Bye Harry." I said planting a quick kiss on his lips. Everybody has left and Harry was stalling. Finally I was able to get him out, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Fine." I mumbled before kissing me again. I closed the door behind him and sat on the couch. Niall came over and sat down next to me.

"I didn't know you two were a thing."

"It'a not official or anything, so I'm a bit unsure too." I say truthfully. After talking to Niall for awhile I went up to my room an started playing music. Change My mind came on and I started singing one part that had the most meaning to me right now, "are we friends or are we more..." I don't know. I'll find out tomorrow.

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