Back to School

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Chapter seventeen.

(Two days later)

The familiar sound of my alarm clock filled my room. The sun was barely up, an yet I was. I let out a sigh and turned of my lamp. My dark room was now full of light. I opened my closet door. Next, I walked in and looked at everything I owned. Nothing seemed worth wearing, I wanted to crawl back under my covers and sleep.

After staring at all my clothes for what seemed like hours, I randomly grabbed a pair of jeans from the stack and pulled a shirt off the hanger. Luckily, the two actually matched grey skinny jeans with a dull pink flowers all over with a black off the shoulder shirt.

I walked out of my closet and into my bathroom. First I brush my teeth an then washed my face. Then, I put my clothes on. After I was dressed I brushed my hair and ran the straightener through it. When my hair was all set I put on some makeup. Slowly, I applied the black eyeliner and then the mascara. Finally I applied some lip gloss, and called it a day.

Before existing my room I checked the time, six forty five. I can't believe I got up an hour ago. Ugh. I went downstairs and grabbed an apple before putting on my black converse. I was about to leave but then I realized I left my bag in my room. So I slumped up the stairs and flung it over my shoulder.

Finally I was out the door and was walking to the bus stop. While walking I threw my apple core into the woods. Shortly after I got to the bus stop a yellow bus came to a stop. Everybody piled in and I just followed behind. I found an empty seat and sat there. Then I pulled my phone out and sent Niall a text, 'you happy? I got up at 5:45 so I could go to school instead of staying in England with my brother.'

I was shocked when he actually replied several seconds later, 'you woke me up! And yes! I am happy, but i'm even happier because I don't have to go to school. 😉'

'Whatever.' I replied and put my head on my window. I could hear the people sitting behind me talking about me. How Niall was my brother, and how I was ruining the band. Thankfully, we pulled up into the school parking lot and I could get off.

I opened the big green doors, and walked in. Then I walked down the hall and up the stairs until I was in Mrs. Belanger's classroom. Like usual I sat in the back of the classroom and pulled out my notebook.

The entire class I was in a daze; sketching in my notebook. Even though it was obvious I wasn't paying attention, Mrs. Belanger never called on me. Finally after forty five minutes I heard the bell ring. I walked to my locker and pulled out my phone. I started texting Harry, me: I miss you, I can't be at school, I want to be with you.

Harry: I know, love but you need to graduate. And when you do I'll be sitting in the audience. :-)

Me: you promise?

Harry: yes.

Me: I have class, ttyl <3

I put my phone back into my backpack and went to the since lab. Just like in writing class I sat in the back of the class. This time Bella sat down next to me. We made small talk before Mr. Walsh started giving instructions. Today we were determining our blood type. Yay, I get to poke myself with needles. When the lab was over I found out I was AB positive.

By the time lunch time rolled around I was ready to go home. The lunchroom was separated into the little sections, the populars, greeks, losers, and the jocks. I placed my tray down and sat down with the 'losers'.


The afternoon announcements came on thru the intercom, and then the bell rang dismissing us, students. I walked on the bus and said hello to my bus driver before walking to the back of the bus. Some people started talking about their day, but I just put in my earbuds and listened to One Direction. With the rest of the boys I started mouthing the words to 'they don't know about us'.

The big yellow bus came to a complete stop, and I filed behind everybody else that was trying to get home. When I walked into the driveway my dad and Maura weren't home. So, I searched through my backpack looking for my house key. When I found it I are fully put it in the lock and twisted the knob. On the kitchen counter was a note from my dad.

'Lena, I had to stay late at work I'll be home around seven. Maura is at her dress fitting with some of her friends. She mentioned something about going back to Jennifer's house. See you soon.


"Whatever" I said out loud letting out a sigh. I picked my bag up from the bar stool and made my way up to my room. After I pulled out my binder and notebook I decided to FaceTime Zayn. After three rings he picked up and said hello, "hey Zayn! Are you busy? I don't want to interrupt." As I said that I saw Perrie sitting next to him.

"No, Perrie doesn't mind." He said laughing.

"Hey, Lena!" She said waving.

"If Perrie's there I dot need to talk to you!" I said joking around.

"So what's up?" Zayn asked, "you seem a bit down."

Damn he knows me well. Like I said, basically my best friend, "just that I went to school instead of hanging with you guys, and I'm not suppose to text or FaceTime you, and I can't be in England with you guys."

"You'll see us soon." He promised me.

"Well, I don't want to hold you two up. Bye." I quickly said before pressing end. After I FaceTimed Zayn, I placed my iPhone on my iHome and blasted some music as I started my homework.


It has been a week since I talked to any of the boys. Occasionally i'll become curious and start reading some magazines. The boys no longer get hate about me, and they all seem happy. However, Harry doesn't seem to be going out. It's usually just Zayn, Louis, Liam, and sometimes Niall. I wondered why there weren't there, but pushed it aside.

I was walking home from school, today was worse than any other day. My earbuds were in, and again my dad and Maura were out doing some wedding shit. I went to unlock the door but I accidentally pushed up against it and it opened. Fear and worry started to set in. There's probably a robber and a kidnapper in there. Slowly, I walked in shutting the door quietly behind me.

Then I heard a husky British accent and then a heard a Irish accent reply. A smile formed across my face, for I knew it was Niall and Haz. Still when I spoke it was slow and hesitant, "Niall? Harry? Is that you?"

"Yes, love." Harry said.

"You have no food." Niall whined. By this time I was sitting on a bar stool next to Harry.

"I'm sorry, I've been leaving off of pizza and shit because my dad and Maura are never here." I was sitting next to Harry and finally looked him in his green eyes, "I missed you." .

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