Omg! It's Perrie Louise Edwards!

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Chapter nine

The doorbell rang ten minutes after I texted Zayn. I jumped off the couch and opened the door to reveal the beautiful and talented Perrie Edwards. She stretched out her hand and introduced herself, "I'm Lena." I said shaking her hand. Zayn stepped in after her and Niall's head perked up when the sent of the pizzas filled the room.

"I love you Zayn!" He screeched before grabbing one of the boxes from his hands. Liam stopped the movie and cleared the coffee table. Perrie walked over to Liam and gave him a quick hug. After Niall put the pizza box down he gave Perrie a quick hug, too. Soon we were all eating pizza with some tv show playing in the background. Mostly the only people talking were Perrie and me.

"So, you're Niall's sister?" She asked.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'.

She took another bite of her pizza and then asked me about this morning "i'm not mad about this morning."

I tensed up but then loosened up a little, "I didn't want to say anything about it."

"We should hang out sometime," She said changing the subject, "give me your phone I'll put my number in."

"Yeah, sure." I said tossing my phone at her. She threw my her phone before putting her number in. After she put her number in she looked at me, "Harry texted you!" She said smiling at me tossing my phone back.

I read the text and smiled like a school girl, 'hey, Lena! Wanna go out tomorrow night or something?


'I'd love too!' I replied back. Perrie gave me this look, she was dying to know what he wanted, "I'm hanging with Harry tomorrow night."

"Are you hanging out or is this a date?" She asked.

"It better not be a date." My protective brother announced. Then I got another text from Harry. It's a date I said to myself. I smiled again and got up to sit next to Perrie. I showed her what Harry had sent me, 'Lena, i'm so happy you said yes, you are so beautiful and I though so since I first laid my eyes on you. So, it's a date. :)' Even Perrie started smiling and told me how cute it was.

The seven of us started a movie and when it finished we started another one. Soon it was going onto nine o'clock and Zayn and Perrie left. Fifteen minutes after Perrie and Zayn left Liam decided he should leave. Then there was two. Niall went to the kitchen to put the pizza away and I went up to my room to call Harry. I crossed my legs as I sat in the middle of the bed and dialed his number.

"Hello?" His deep voice rang thru my ears.

"Hey Harry, it's Lena!" I said.

"Oh hi, Love." He said happily.

"So this date tomorrow...what are we going to be doing? I asked sweetly.

"Whatever you want, love. How about we go ice skating?"

"I've always wanted to do that! I'd love that, text me the time tomorrow!"

"Goodnight, Lena."

"Night, Harry." I said before pressing the red end button. After ending the phone call with Harry I texted Perrie, 'we're going ice skating :)'

'So cute!' She replied. I put my iPhone onto my iHome and started listening to music as I took a shower. I started washing my hair, and then my body. My favorite song came on and I sang along, "I count the ways I let you down, on my fingers and toes i'm running out." That's my favorite part of the song. After I washed my body I put in some conditioner and then started shaving my legs.

I walked out of the bathroom dressed my my pajamas; fluffy pants and a baggy t-shirt and saw my phone was buzzing. It was from Perrie, 'do you like him?'

I though for a bit before I replied, 'I think I do.' In just a couple hours Perrie became a friend. Perrie Louise Edwards from Little Mix was my friend. I couldn't believe this.

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