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Chapter thirty two.

"Bye Harry." I snuffled as I placed a kiss on his lips. Next, I said goodbye to the rest of the lads. Niall had my bag flung over his shoulder and put his arm around my waist as cried into his shoulder.

"Be good kiddo, I love you." Niall whispered into my ear.

"I love you too, Ni. See you soon." Then I pulled away and boarded my plane. My seat was in the back, and I put in my earbuds as I stared out the window.

Me: do I have to leave?

Niall: yes, I'm sorry. We'll all be there at your graduation.

Me: promise?

Niall: yes.

Me: good.


"Lena!" My dad exclaimed.

"Why can't I just drop out of high school, stay with Niall and Harry?" I asked tears staining my dad's shirt.

"Harry would want you to graduate, love." Maura chirped up. I followed Maura and my dad out of the airport and sat in the backseat of the car.

The familiar house came into view and I walked through the front door. My dad following behind with my bags, and Maura side next to him. Sadness took over me, I was know in a different country while my boyfriend, brother and friends where gathered in a hospital room, "I'm going to go downstairs watch some television." I announced.

"I'll be down in a little." Maura said back.

After pressing the power button the television came to life. My dad or Maura must of been watching the news because that what show popped up. At first I was taken aback, it was the boys interview, but this one was from several hours ago.

Me: why'd you do another interview? Did something happen? I texted Niall and when he didn't respond I texted Zayn.

Me: Where's Niall why isn't he answering me? What happens you did another interview! Panic sunk in and soon my phone buzzed and I read the text from Zayn.

Zayn: everything is fine, relax love, we had to announce we are postponing the tour. As for Niall, I don't know his excuse not to reply to his nervous sister.

Me: haha good so Harry's okay?

Zayn: yes. Hasn't said anything yet. :(


Niall: everything is fine. Relax.

Me: 'bout time you fuckin' replied and i'm talking to Zayn. My questions have been answered.

Niall: whatever. :P

I let out a sigh of relief and put in my favorite movie, Love Actually. It was a movie marathon day. Then my home started buzzing again. A smile formed on my lips.

Harry: Miss you already, I love you.

Me: love you too.


So this chapter is pretty shitty, but whatever. The book will probably have five or less chapters until the end just so you guys know. Please comment what you think of it. Is it good? Bad? Constructive criticism is always welcomed, I just want to become a better writer. Well, I'll shut up now. Thanks for reading!





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