Morning After

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Chapter thirteen.

What the fuck? I thought to myself why am I in Harry's bed? I tried to move but his arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Good morning, love." He said. His voice made it clear he just woke up.

"What? Why am I hear, in your bed?" I asked my eyes now looking into his.

"We walked home, and you feel asleep in my arms after you randomly started running." He says while getting out of bed.

"What? Why was I running? That's just weird." I say.

"While I'm going to go make you breakfast."

"Okay." I quietly reply. Soon, I was alone sitting in the in Harry Style's bed. Shortly after Harry left to go make breakfast I started think about him; about us.

First, he makes it quite clear he has feelings for me. I mean, he holds my hand whenever he can, always embracing me in hugs when I need them, and truly cares for me. But do I? After what seemed like hours I found an answer, yes. I like him. Now that I had an answer I felt happier.

"Good morning," I said cheerfully as I plopped onto the swivel chair next to the island counter. Harry placed a plate of French toast and scrambled eggs, "thank you." I said before digging in. Then I realized Harry didn't have a plate. Finally, I found out why. He started eating off of my plate.

When we were done eating I realized I had no clothes and I was still in my dress. I thought for a moment debating weather or not to ask Harry for clothes. As if reading my mind Harry spoke, "do you want some clothes?"

"Yes, please. By the way does Niall know I'm here."

"Well, from the way there reacted when we started walking away I would say yes."

I followed Harry upstairs and he practically threw all this clothes on the floor to find his smallest shirt. He must of found one and then he grabbed a pair of his shorts, "I know they will be big, but it will have to do."

"Thank you." I kept thanking him, he was doing so much for me it wasn't funny. Harry existed the room and I quickly changed. His blue v-neck shirt fell off my right shoulder, and the shorts stayed up with a belt, well, after I made another hole. I found his hairbrush in his bathroom and brushed my hair out before throwing it up in a messy bun.

I existed his room, and stuck a little pose, "these are so big I look horrible."

"No, you're perfect." He said in protest. Before walking into his room and changing. Then both is us were dressed and he challenged me to a game wii tennis, half heartedly meaning it, "just don't go braking my lamps, if we do play."

"Can we go on a walk instead?" I suggest and Harry agrees. On our walk there was on oak tree that I climbed. There was a low bearing branch that I chose to sit on. The feet dangled over the edge and my hands were gripping the branch at my sides, "Harry?..." I trailed off not knowing what I was even going to say.

"Yes, love."

"Um, I don't know. I just, I don't know. I was going to say something, but..."

"It's okay." He says. Then I lie down on the tree branch, "you look really cute right now, in that pose."

"Pose? I'm lying on a tree branch in your clothes that are way to big." I said letting out a laugh. Before I know it Harry took a picture and tweeted it. He started laughing and I hopped off the tree to see what it was. Fans were commenting things like, 'OMG! She's in his clothes.'

Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and we walked back to his flat. On the way back his phone rings, it was Liam. Haz put it on speaker so we could both talk to him.

"Hi Liam!" I say.

"What's up?" Harry asks.

"Management wants a meeting with all of us, even Lena. In thirty."

"Alright." Harry said before hanging up. He picked me up and started running towards his car.

"Let me down!" I screamed.

"Never." He retorted like a little kid. Soon we were driving to wherever there management was. The two of us were jamming out to the radio when Best Song Ever came on. And we sang along.

"Maybe it's the way she walked straight into my heart and stole it." Harry sang his part looking at me.

"I have that affect on people, everybody just loves me." I said cracking a smile. Harry grabbed my hand as we walked into the building. Personally, I was really nervous why is they didn't want to to hang out with the guys anymore?

"Calm down." Harry orders before he opens the building's door.

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