Introducing...the Mac family...and Hustle Gang

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( Coming soon in 2014 an Origanal Shantii Book ! )

I kick my feet up on the mahogany desk in my fathers office.

I knew like hell I wasnt supposed to be in here but oh well.

Im princess Mac. Nope really thats my name. I was just 7 years old when I found out what type of business my father did...He was Kingston mac...Most notorious Drug Lord.

Im18. Im Rican, Jamaican and Black..Nice combo. My dead mother was Rican and Black. My father is Jamaican with some African american thrown in from his mother. He moved to the states when he was 5. He has been back and forth from here to The JA making sure his empire never crumbled. I was 5 foot 3 even. Thick and nice smooth light brown complextion.

I was princess of the USA..and I loved it.

Although it had its downs. The fact that I could not have friends. I had 24 hour security. And I just wanted to be a normal teen girl. Ive been shipped from privet school to privet school and heald here in the Mac's family castle.

As the door opened I heard my fathers voice. I put my feet down and sat up straight.

" Gayl what are you doing? " He had his bestfriend and a few business asscoiates.

" Mi just umm looking. " I say. To butter my father up I speak like him. Shit other then that Id start talking like Plies to everybody else.

" My daughter, Princess " He says. I smiled. Usually he doesnt do business infront of me or let me met his " work friends " when he does its because my input has to mean something.

" Nice to met you all " I say.

" Father Mi a go a door " I tell him. In other words im going outside. He nod and I stood and made my way out the room leaving them all to be.

Not wanting to be in the house I grabbed my keys. What other 18 year old girl you know has a black and pink custom Bentley Coupe? I got in the car and headed to the mall. Miami was hot this time a year. Miami was jumpping. We had 2 major places we lived. Miaimi mostly and La. Compton to be exact. I found the drug business was booming there.

Once I pulled into the Dolphin shopping mall I parked in the Handy Cap spot and got out. The place is packed with tourist. As I was walking across the street Some dumb ass nearly hit me with his car. I stopped and looked at them.

" What the hell ! "

The driver jumpped out and ran my way. He was about 6 foot. Maybe taller. Dark skin. Tats. Low ceaser with deep cut waved. He remind me of the singer/Actor Tyreese.

" You okay? "

" Fine. Watch were your going " I tell him pushing him off of me. He smiled showing his diamond grill.

" I just wanted to make sure I didnt hurt the sexiest thing walking this earth " I rolled my eyes.

" No but you did annoy it...Nice day boy " I walk pat him into the mall. I went into different shops getting anything that caught my eye. Some may not even be woren. But the black card has no limits right?

I wasnt born with a silver spoon in my mouth. It took my father years to get to where he was. And then we got to the good life.

I looked at the sparkley Louboutins with a bright pink heel. My mouth dropped. They were on a pedistal with a light shinning on them. Yeah they were deffinately some bad bitches. I grabbed them. I couldnt leave here without getting them. I grabbed them and took them to the desk. " How much ? " The women looked.

" 9 thosand dollars, sorry " She tries to take them out of my hand. I slap down my card and snatched the shoe back. " My mistake, Miss...Will this be all ? "


" Yes " She rung them up and i signed the papers and grabbed them and the rest of my bags and walked out of the store and left the mall. The whole drive to the house I couldnt wait to show my father. He was my bestfriend.

Once I got there it took me 3 trips to my car and up the elevator to my room.

Our house consist of 4 floors. Basement/Gun range, First floor with living room. 2 floor with bedrooms. Mines uncluded. Then top floor which was all my fathers. We had 5 bedrooms. 6 bathrooms. Game room. Theater. inside and outside court. Swimming pool and hot tub..Our house was on a high up type mountin and our back yard....was the ocean. With the boat parked on our dock.

" Princess, Gayl come in here " My father calls. I walk into the meeting room.

" Yes daddy ? " I ask.

" I want you to met a few people " I step inside the room and took a seat. " This is Tino. MK. and Red " He says.

" Nice to met you "

Ali was here still. He was my dads bestfriend and my play uncle since I was 6.

" Nice to met you too "

" Princess my son Myjuan " Uncle Ali says. The guy that almost hit me with his car just a few hours ago looks up. He has a blank face as he looked at me.

" Nice to met you " He says.

" I didnt know you had a son " I say looking to my fake uncle.

" Yes. " I nod. He had a totally different look and demenor going on right now. He didnt have the same lustful glare. It was cold and menicing.

" You have new security " My father tells me.

" What the ras bloodclot you mean?! " I ask getting worked up. I didnt want or need new security. Trey was fine.

" Trey is no longer with us " He tells me...In other words he killed him. I put my head into my hands. " Is that a problem ? "

" No not at all. Its not like my crush of the last 3 years is dead " I say sitting up. Chuckles errupted and my father stared at me.

" Your what ? "

" Nothing daddy "

" Juan here is your new personal security...Your in good hands "

What the hell. I looked at Juan.

" Oh no "



Hey you guys im back and with a new story. This first chap might not be any good it was a ruff start but bare with me. Please show me some love and vote comment and follow me. Xoxo

-- Shantii

-- You like Princess ?

-- What about Kingston?

-- How do you feel about Juan?


The story wont be perfect. I will make mistakes. Fuck up with grammer and things will get messed up. If you can excuse that keep reading. If your a jack ass that can not. PEACE. All editing will be done once the book is over. Thank you so much. Your girl Shantii.

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©COPY RIGHTS 2013/2014 All Rights Reserved to Ashantii S. Any coping, remaking, or rewring is against the law and punishable! All material and contents belong to the author. DO NOT STEAL!!

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