Time Passing By

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May you rest and remember I'll always be waiting for you...
I'll be there in the dark and broken places,
I'll be next to you when the sun shines against your fair identically curly hair.
When the moon is blessed to touch your eyes each night we had tucked you in.

The times as you grew older and hugged us for no reason, or the times you hid in your room and we had to drag you out.

Or on your fifteenth birthday when you thought not a single person cared but us, yet you proved wrong my baby girl.

When my time is passed and yours begins.
You'll not live your life on unsuspecting whims--
Fear a game you will definitely play, it not avoidable.
For the end is as you chose.
The starting for you and ending for me to see you in my spirit grow as I grew.
Love as I loved when your baby cheeks giggled
Cherished as I cherished the times as you grew older you clung to me despite your reluctance most times.

Eventually you will see your own child as I saw mine beautiful and a reason to continue to fight those who wished to shove.
My whole world made sense the moment you're pure innocence came into this world...

Memories calling me and when the lightning fell you were scared
My little child so grown...
Remember this...

My time will pass by as everyone's does.
I'll always be there through the fair and wicked just remember me when my time passes by...

This one had me in tears every time I read it... This is from mother to child and in honor of my mom who... Too me this is so many less words...
When I was younger I couldn't understand why if God was so good why he would take the people I love away... Now I embrace that and live every moment As if it wa my very last with them...
I sound like my mom talking now well you get my drift.

Charlie out...

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