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There are people in this world that are despicable. Downright despicable. The ones who criticize everything they cannot even comprehend. The ones who say you are this or that. Something that I can understand is having a bad day and lashing out on the people you love the most, I am guilty of it, like most people. But insulting ones family is something I will not do. Insulting someone for being this or that I won't do either.

I can see people for who they are. They may have a bad day or bad life in general. That does not mean they have any right to be a complete jerk to others.

When I get a gut feeling about someone, when I feel as if they lie. I trust my instinct because that is the only thing I have. Respect and trust is not freely given from me because of how many times it has been freely broken. And if that makes me a bad person for trusting the one thing that is ALWAYS right. Then I don't ever want to be a person who goes against it. I have learned that pain in trust and respect is something that hurts.

I do not give second chances because my trust is valuable and I have more self respect. Call me stuck-up or callous, but if you understood the things I did, you would be weary of people to. Unlike you I don't have to sit there and insult you behind your back. I will tell you straight up.

Just know I am a understanding person, up to a point. Yeah I may not have thousands of "friends" you claim to have. Or the perfect family. I have quality friends who will be there for me when I need it. They won't hesitate to tell me to get my head out of the clouds, or to talk to them when I am scarily quiet. I don't have the perfect family because it doesn't exist. I butt heads with my dad because in a lot of ways I am like him and I am proud of it. My mom being my confidant, there is nothing wrong with that. When I lost my grandma, I lost my best friend, and my mom stepped up and became that best friend as much as she could.

There are so many things you could never understand about me. Learn about a person before you judge, learn about them as a whole. Not a half. Because looking at people based on the outside is wrong because our worth is not looks, or money or possessions. It is personality.

Learn that, and life for you and others will be a lot better.

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