Our Little Town

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The place of the small proportion of our historic neighbors. A tiny microscopic dot on a map of about 24, 812 miles. We look outside and everything is bigger than us alone. There are the city and the town quite frankly telling the difference is beyond me.

The thing that I adore the most. Is one place our little town is most known for. And no not the buzzing tourists. Or the concerts with the seemingly endless traffic. But the place where in the summer you are free as can be, where young kids squeal and scream at the first jaw-dropping coldness of the water, eventually getting used to it. The place you see parents teaching their kids to swim, their worried glances at sinking and their proud faces at success. When they see the child growing so fast in front of them that ten minutes of teaching does not seem long enough. You look out at dawn and you cannot help but wonder what is outside what we simply see? Looking at the setting sun, the annoying pebbles and the sand that seems to find its way into your backpack and everywhere else. You stand there with friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, family and you see what we've grown up too. Here, where most people know others. Sure, some leave and then come back or whatnot but the town is full of change. Even the summers we cannot even swim because of the dreaded blue-green algae that pop up every once and a while.

Parents, sadly know your friend's parents, a situation I cannot seem to escape. Where most people are nice to say 'hi' whenever you are having a day that seems to never end. The place where endless quick-witted responses can come in handy. The oohs that resonate through the classrooms. The people with dreams of Notre Dame, Harvard, Stanford, maybe wishing they wanted to see outside our little town.

The schools the lake they make my home a place we wish to stay, but it also leaves somewhat isolated to what we could experience. We wanted to see more but sometimes that small thought of leaving the place we have called home since kindergarten is terrifying. We stumble over our words about our little town, the place we know and love and sometimes hate. But, it has always been home. The place our parents came back to, the place that we are at.

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