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This chapter is dedicated to NissiaManyie


Third person.

"Let me go!" Miyoung yanked her arms away which makes the guys pushed her in front a door roughly.

"Remember to attend your class, human." One of the guy said in taunting way.

Miyoung turns the door knob and push open the door.
She peeked inside the room warily before switching on the lights next to the door.

As soon as she stepped inside, the door slammed shut by itself.
She gasped loudly while clutching her shirt.

Then, a soft click sound was heard as if the door is locked by itself.
It makes her confuse.

Her eyes roamed around the room with unanswered questions.

Everything are made of metal except the mattress that is laying on the bed frame.
Everything is grey in colour and she noticed that there's no window at all.

Miyoung sighed in defeat and sit on the lower bed of the bunk bed.

"Where am I.." She ruffled her hair messily, groaning in frustration.

She looked around her once again.
There's two desk in front of her with two metal stool.
Then, there's two long, thin locker opposite to the bathroom's door.

Two? Do I have a roommate?’

Miyoung whined in annoyance again when she couldn't think any way to escape.

Maybe she could try to escape when the classes start.

She unpacked her bag and arrange everything in order.
It's in her nature to make sure everything is perfect.

Some said she has obsessive-compulsive disorder but she refused to believe it.

"Hah!" Her lips forms a smile when she found her phone in the bag that was on the desk.

Sadly, it can't be used.
It's broken and so does other electrical things such as her watch and laptop.

"Oh no, this gonna be tough.." She slapped her forehead.

She glanced at the alarm clock on the desk.
1 AM.
Another 5 hours before she should get ready for the class.

She plopped on the bed and laid her head on the hard, uncomfortable pillow.

Unanswered question lingers her mind.
She couldn't understand why she is here at the first place.

Miyoung try to recalls everything that she could remembers before she knocked down on her dorm.

The tanned, muscular guy that she saw before she passed out.

'That's it! I need to find the guy! The guy could be the answer to this nightmare!'

At last, she could find a little hope.

She decided to take a quick nap before the classes start.

She is fast asleep knowing that she was drained mentally and physically.


The faintest noise turns louder and louder with each seconds.

She shifted in her bed with a groan escape her lips.
It took a few seconds before her mind to reciprocate everything.

Her eyes shot open as she sat up, yelling the name of her friend,

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