Chapter 4

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A couple days later Sebastian decided to go have lunch with Liam. They went to a little restaurant down the street from work.

"So why are you so low down on the firm?", Sebastian asked him when they started talking about work. "Don't your parents own the company?"

Liam laughed, "They don't exactly approve of my life choices."

"Oh.", Sebastian said.

"But I have a sister. Who I'm really close to.", said Liam. Just as Sebastian lifted his fork to his mouth the baby kicked. He gasped, and dropped his fork. Liam looked at him questioningly.

"You okay?", he asked concerned.

"Yeah.", Sebastian said shaking his head. "I just felt the baby kick."

Liam's eyes lit up. "Can I feel?" Sebastian thought about for a minute.

"Okay.", he said hesitantly. Liam put his hands on Sebastian's stomach. The baby kicked again. Liam smiled, and removed his hand.

"That is so cool, Sebastian.", he said looking at him with love. Sebastian noticed the look, before Liam could school it, and they leaned in for a tentative kiss. As soon as they broke apart Sebastian panicked.

What had he done?! He looked around in a panic.

"I have to go.", he said, as he stood up, and fled the restaurant.

"Sebastian!", Liam called standing up. He threw some bills on the table, and ran after the man. "Sebastian!" He called again, chasing after him. Sebastian kept running, until he reached the park. Liam caught up to him. He paused to catch his breath.

"Why did you run away?", he puffed.

Sebastian turned to him crying.

"It was so easy.", he said crying. He sat down in the grass and Liam sat next to him.

"What was so east?", Liam asked curiously.

"Kissing you.", he said. "It shouldn't have been so easy." He started crying again, "I can't love you, not yet. I'm not sure I ever can. I have nothing to give you."

"You have everything to give me! You have a beautiful heart, and spirit. You are the strongest man I have ever met.", Liam said passionately. "I don't need your love to love you. I already love you. If you don't ever want to kiss me again tell me and I'll never do it again. That's how much I love you."

"I want you too.... That's what scares me.", said Sebastian quietly.

"You want me to what?", asked Liam with baited breath.

"I want you to kiss me again, but I don't think I can take another heart-break.", he said, wrapping his arms around his torso self consciously.

"I will never ever hurt you.", said Liam looking seriously into Sebastian's eyes. "Just say you'll go out with me."

Sebastian cracked a smile. "Yes."

Liam smiled back. "Good." He gave Sebastian a quick kiss before standing up, and offering his hand to Sebastian.

"Now I'm afraid, we must be getting back to the office." Sebastian took his hand.

"Let's go."

They started walking back, both boys smiling happily at the thought of their hands still linked together between them.


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