Chapter 9

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Nine hours later Cyrus James Smythe was welcomed into the world. The nurse brought him back to Sebastian as soon as he was checked up and cleared. Just as the nurse was about to leave the room Sebastian called out to her, "Nurse!"

She turned, "Yes, sir?"

"Can you send my daughters and boyfriend back here?"

She smiled at him, "Of course, sir."

A couple minutes later, Luna, Love and Lima arrived in the room.

"Daddy!", Luna said running to Sebastian, and hugging him tightly.

"Be careful, sweet pea. Daddy's a bit sore right now.", Liam said. Sebastian was shocked at how right it sounded for Liam to call her sweet pea.

A half-hour later everybody had to leave. Liam promised he would look after the girls, and then they left Sebastian and Cyrus to rest. It was only about seven in the evening. Liam turned to the girls.

"So ladies.", he said rubbing his hands together, "How about we go buy some things for your new little brother?"

Love's eyes lit up and she nodded enthusiastically. Luna jumped and down, and said "Yes!" repeatedly.

"Alright then let's get going.", said Liam. He called a limo to come pick them up. He held out a hand to Love to help her in.

"Your, Highness.", He said smiling. Love giggled. Then he helped Luna in behind her, and slid in himself.

They didn't arrive back at the hotel room, until nearly ten. Liam knew that Sebastian probably didn't allow the girls to be up this late normally, but this was a special day. Everyone was hungry by the time they got back, so they had some icecream, and watched the Little Mermaid. Liam was kind of hoping that the girls would fall asleep, however the sugar in the icecream started to kick in. So after the Little Mermaid 2 was over they were finally sub-dued enough to go to bed.

"Will you talk us in?", Luna asked.

"Sure I will.", Liam said standing up to follow the girls. He tucked them in the bed.

"Can you hand me Scarfy?", said Luna, pointing to a rainbow colored scarf on the back of the recliner.(a/n: a very potter musical anyone? :))

"Where did you get this?", Liam asked as he handed her the scarf.

"Uncle Blaine gave it to me on my birthday.", Luna said.

"I see.", Liam said. He stood up. "Good night girls."

"Good night.", they said.

"Mr. Liam!", Love called.

Liam turned, "Yes, Love?"

"Do you love me?", she asked.

"Yes I do.", he said smiling.

"Do you love Luna and Cyrus?", she asked.

"Yes I do.", he said.

"Do you love daddy?", she said seriously.

"I definitely love your daddy.", he said.

She nodded, "Daddy loves you too."

"That's good to know.", said Liam smiling. He turned to leave once more.

"Mr. Liam.", Love called again

"Yes, Love?", he asked.

"Will you and daddy get married, and live happily ever after with us?"

"I hope so.", Liam said.

"Mr. Liam, ", Love said yawning, and snuggling down in the bed, "I can't wait to call you Papa."

Liam smiled, and whispered quietly, "Me either."

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