Chapter 8

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When Sebastian, Liam and the girls arrived at the house; Sebastian was very nervous. As they walked up the path to the front door, they were assaulted by a blonde blur. She wrapped her arms around Sebastian squealing. Sebastian looked at Liam shocked. Liam just smiled at his boyfriend. After the blonde let him go she held him at arms length and just looked at him.

"Your exactly like I pictured you.", she said bouncing up, and down clapping. Sebastian looked at her as if she had two heads. This must be Holly.

"Well, come on.", she said grabbing his hand, and pulling him towards the open door. "Dads' so excited to meet you. It's all he could talk about." Liam and the girls followed slightly behind.

"Who are you?", Luna asked, curiously. For the first time Holly seemed to register that there were other people too. She gasped.

"You have kids! Dad didn't say that!", she turned to Luna, "I'm your Aunt Holly."

"I've never had an Aunt before.", said Luna, "Only uncles."

"Uncles?", Holly asked.

"Yep. Uncle Blaine and Uncle Kurt, and Uncle Nick and Uncle Jeff. Daddy went to highschool with all of them, and Uncle Blaine is my other daddy's brother. I've never met my other daddy. He was mean, and had to go away.", Luna said.

"I see.", Holly said. She gave Sebastian a questioning look, but didn't press for anything.

Sebastian ignored the look, and followed Holly into the house.

The house was very nice, and neat. Exactly how Sebastian would have pictured his apartment looking if he didn't have the girls.

"Dad! Sebastian's hear!", Holly called. There was the sound of moving around in the kitchen, and then Sebastian finally got to see his father. It was plain to see that Sebastian was the spitting image of his father. They both were tall and broad shouldered. They had big, sparkling white smiles, and brunette hair. It seemes that the only thing that Sebastian had gotten from his mother were his green eyes. His father had brown eyes. The only other difference was his father now had a cane to walk with.

"It's so great to finally meet you son.", Ronald said smiling at him

"You too.", Sebastian said.

"Follow me. The table's already set. I just have to tell Edward and Troy the food is ready."

As they walked towards the dining room Holly leaned over and asked, "So how far along are you?"

Sebastian was surprised by the question. He had expected them to ignore him, or to hate him. Not to already know everything about him, and try to obviously include him in everything.

"I'm eight months along.", he said.

"Wow! So that little one should be here soon.", she said smiling, "Is Mr. Sexy back there the father?"

"No. Liam and I got together after I was pregnant.", he said shortly.

Holly nodded sensing that he didn't want to talk about it.

"Well, you'll have to call me when have....her? Him?"

Sebastian smiled, "Him."

"Have you got a name?"

"Cyrus... Cyrus James."

"That's lovely.", Holly said. Sebastian saw Troy and Edward and tensed. What if his step-father didn't like him? What if his half-brother didn't?

Holly, seeming to sense his distress, squeezed his arm comfortingly.

When Troy saw him. He smiled and bounced like a puppy.

"It's so great to meet you.", he said shaking Sebastian's hand. "Dad's told me and Holly everything about you."

"Nice to meet you too.", said Sebastian, flexing his hand to make sure it wasn't broken after Troy's death grip.

"Nice to meet you, son.", Edward said, pulling Sebastian into an awkward hug.

"Nice to meet you to, sir.", Sebastian said awkwardly, after he had been realeased from the hug.

"None of this sir, nonsense. It's Papa, or if that makes you uncomfortable, it's Edward.", he said clapping him on the back.

"Gentle, Edward!", Ron said glaring at his husband. "He is carrying precious cargo."

"Ah, yes the grand-children!", Edward said turning to Luna and Love.

"Hello, you can call me whatever your father tells you to call me.", Edward said waving at the girls, who were hiding behind Liam's legs.

"And you must be the boyfriend.", Edward said holding out his hand.

"Yes.", Liam said shaking the proffered hand.

The rest of the evening went very well. Except for the point where Holly had mentioned the baby, and Troy had said, "Woah, dude your pregnant? I thought only girls could do that."

Ronald had given his son a funny look and said, "I had you, son." Troy had blinked a couple times, and then said, "Oh yeah."

By the time it was time for dessert Sebastian was ready to leave. Ever since he'd gotten here he'd been having back pains. He shifted uncomfortablely in his seat. Just then there was a pop, and Sebastian's legs got very wet.

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