Chapter 6

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Sebastian went through the next few days on auto pilot. He was having a great debate with himself on what to do. He wanted to meet his real father, but what if his father didn't want to meet him? Or what if his half family hated him? Or what if they hated the girls? Plus there was the big question. If he did decided to go How would he get the money to go there?

The next day he was sitting in his cubicle looking at flights. He was so busy thinking he didn't hear Liam come up behind him. Liam wrapped his arms around Sebastian, making him jump.

"While somebody's not on planet earth this morning?", Liam said teasingly. Sebastian smiled, and turned around to face his boyfriend.

"How are you this morning, Liam?", he asked, distractedly. His mind still trying to make numbers in his head work.

"What's going on, Honey?", Liam asked, ignoring the question. "Your awfully distracted today. What's wrong."

"I found out that the man who raised me isn't my father.", He went on to tell Liam the whole story. "And so now I'm trying to figure out how I can afford to take myself, and the girls to California."

"Well, I have some business that I'm conducting for my parents in L.A next week. Why don't you and the girls come along with me in our private jet?", Liam asked.

Sebastian stared at his boyfriend in shock. "You'd really do that for us?", he asked quietly.

"Of course I would.", Liam said, gazing at Sebastian lovingly. "I would do anything for you. All of you." Sebastian didn't really believe that, but it was a nice thought while it lasted so he said, "Thank-you."

Liam hadn't met the girls yet, and both men decided that a jet probably wasn't the best place for a first meeting, so Sebastian had invited Liam over for dinner. He was really nervous about everything. The last boyfriend he'd tried to introduce the girls to had hit him, and tried to hit the girls. He had told the girls that Liam wasn't like Harry, but Sebastian couldn't help, but worry.

At precisely seven o' clock, the doorbellrang. Sebastian went to get the door as Luna and Love came running out of their room. Despite what had happened with Harry they were both very excited to meet Liam. Sebastian opened the door. Liam was standing there holding a boquet of red roses, and a bag on his arm.

"These are for you.", he said holding out the flowers.

"Thank-you.", Sebastian said as he stepped out of the way. Luna and Love looked at Liam curiously. Liam turned to them smiling. "You must be Luna and Love."

They nodded.

"I'm Luna.", Luna said, "This is my sister Love. She doesn't like to talk much. I love talking though. Do you like talking?"

Liam chuckled, "I think talking is nice. So I got you girls a couple of things." He said taking the bag off his arm.

"You didn't have to!", Sebastian said.

"I know.", Liam said smiling at his boyfriend. "But I wanted to." He turned back to the girls. "So I heard from your Uncle Blaine that you like Disney Princesses. Well," he pulled out four wrapped boxes. "These two are for Luna, and these two are for Love." They opened the gifts. Each one contained three Disney movies. Luna got The Little Mermaid, Aladin, Snow White and the Seven Drawfs, Cinderella, Cinderella II, and Cinderella III. Love got, Enchanted, Tangled, Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid II, and Sleeping Beauty.

"Girls what do you say?", Sebastian said.

"Thank-you, Mr. Liam", the girls said together.

Liam smiled at them, "Your Welcome."

The rest of the evening went very well. Both the girls seemed to love Liam, and even Love, who hardly even spoke to Sebastian, was chatting a mile a minute with Liam. Sebastian smiled at the animated look on his little girls face. She had always been quiet, and as much as it hurt that it wasn't him to draw her out of her shell; he was glad that someone could.

After dinner they decided to watch a movie. The girls both wanted to watch Hercules. Sebastian had told them he needed to finish the dishes, but to go ahead and start it. When he finished he went to go check on Liam, and the girls. He smiled at what he found. Liam had lain down on the couch long ways. Then Luna and Love had layed on top of him, and all three were now asleep. Sebastian smiled at them, his heart swelling with affection for the man in front of him, and love for his two little girls. He shut of the t.v, and went to bed. The last line of the movie playing in his head.

"At least out loud. I won't say I'm in love."

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