Chapter 1

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Sebastian walked back into his apartment with a heavy sigh. He was really happy Nick and Jeff had let Luna and Love stay with them while he unpacked. For the last three weeks he had been living with Nick Jeff, Kurt, and Blaine at Nick and Jeff's house. He walked into the girl's room, and started unpacking their clothes. He was just moving on to a new box when his phone rang. He answered it.

"Hello?", he said tentatively.

"Hey, Is this Sebastian?", the voice on the other end of the line said.

"Yes. This is Sebastian.", Sebastian's brow furrowed as he tried to remember where he'd heard the voice before.

"This is Liam. Liam Potter.", Sebastian remembered this was the guy who saved him from Harry, his crazy ex-boyfriend. Then told him he was in love with him.

He swallowed visibly. "What can I do for you, Liam?", he said trying to keep his voice composed.

"Well, I was wondering if wanted to go get something to eat sometime?", Sebastian started to panic. Could he really trust any guy again after Harry? Liam must have sensed Sebastian's panic because he said, "We could go as friends if you want. It doesn't have to be a date.", A bit of Sebastian's panic started to leave. "Let me think about it.", he said, and then hung up the phone with out waiting for a reply. Could he really do this? Could he trust somebody else in his life? In his girls lives? In this new baby's life? He put his hand on his stomach. Sebastian debated with himself while he unpacked the rest of the girl's clothes and his clothes. As he was leaving the apartment he decided to talk to Blaine. He would know what to do.

Sebastian walked into the room. "What's up Bas? I thought you were supposed to be packing to leave?"

Sebastian started pacing nervously back and forth.

"You know Liam, the guy that I talked about?"

"The guy who saved you from Harry and then told you that he loved you?", asked Blaine.

"Yeah. Well, he called me today and asked if we could go to dinner or something. He even said it could be just as friends.", Sebastian looked at Blaine.

"I don't know what to do, Blaine. What if Noah and Harry broke me and I can never love anyone again? I don't want to lead him on.", he said tears forming in his eyes.

"I don't know what to do Blaine.", he said sitting on the bed next to Blaine.

"Why don't you go to dinner Bas? You can tell him it's just as friends. Then you aren't leading him on, but your getting to now him. Sebastian nodded, and stood up.

"Alright. Thanks Blaine.", he said.

"Anytime, Bas, anytime.", said Blaine smiling as he layed back down. Sebastian closed the door behind him. First he called Liam, and asked if they could have dinner as friends. Then he talked to Nick and Jeff to see if they could watch the girls tomorrow. After that he and the girls left to go home.

He tucked Luna in, and kissed her forehead. "Good night Luna.", he said turning towards the door.

"Daddy.", Luna said.

"Yes, baby doll?", he asked turning back towards his daughter.

"Will we ever have to daddies, like Blair has Uncle Nick and Uncle Jeff, or like Lizzie has Uncle Blaine and Uncle Kurt?"

Sebastian looked at her with tears in his eyes. "I don't know, baby girl.", he said softly, "But I hope so. I hope so." He kissed her forehead on last time, and left the room.


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