Chapter 3

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About a month later Sebastian and Liam were still going out as friends. Sebastian was now four months pregnant. He wanted to tell the girls before he started to show, but he couldn't decided how. Finally he decided that just telling them would probably be best. So the next day Sebastian set Luna and Love down.

"Alright girls I need to talk to you.", he said looking at them both seriously.

"Yes daddy?", Luna asked. She was the more talkative of the two.

"Well, you might have noticed that my tummy is getting a bit bigger.", Sebastian began.

Love nodded and Luna said, "I noticed daddy."

"Well, that's because theirs a baby growing in daddy's tummy."

"Why is the baby in your tummy, daddy?", Luna asked.

"Well, the baby can't live out here with you and me yet sweetheart. The baby has to wait in daddy's tummy until it's big enough to come out, and meet you. Then daddy will go to the hospital and have the baby, while you and Love stay with, Uncle Jeff and Uncle Nick, or Uncle Blaine and Uncle Kurt." Luna nodded. Love looked at Sebastian's stomach curiously.

"Can I talk to the baby, Daddy?", asked Love, breaking her silence.

"Of course you can, sweetheart.", he said, "I'm afraid they can't answer back yet."

Love looked at him sagely, "I can hear the baby in my heart.", she said putting a hand on her heart. Sebastian smiled at his little girl.

"Of course you can, sweet pea.", Love bent down to Sebastian's stomach.

"Hello baby. How are you today?", she asked. Then she turned her head as if listening for an answer. "I'm your big sister. My name's Love.", she listened again, "Yes I think it's a nice name too. I love you, baby.", she kissed Sebastian's stomach. Then she stood up. "I love you too, Daddy.", she stood on tiptoes and kissed him.

"Love you too, Angel.", Sebastian said smiling. He turned to Luna, "Did you want a turn, sweetheart?"

Luna shook her head yes, hesitantly.

After a few more minutes of talking to the baby, it was time for the girls to go to bed. Sebastian tucked them in, and read them a story. As he was leaving Luna sat up in bed.

"Daddy.", she called softly. Sebastian turned.

"Yes sweetie?", Luna beckoned for him to come here. Sebastian sighed, and walked over to her, and knelt next to the bed.

"Yes sweetheart?", he asked again.

"When the baby comes will you still love me and Love?", she asked, her little eyes glowed with worry and fear in the glow of the nightlight.

Sebastian smiled, and took her tiny hands in his, "Of course I will, sweetheart. You and Love are my little princesses. No new baby will change, that. I'll always love you. Having a new baby won't mean I take love away from you two. It just means that I get more love, and that sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Doesn't it?"

She smiled at him, "It does." He smiled back and kissed her on the forehead.

"Good night, Princess.", he said as she layed down, and snuggled back under the blankets.

"Good night, Daddy.", she said with a yawn. Sebastian left the girls room and went to his own. He got ready for bed, and changed into his pajamas. Just as he was getting into bed his phone went off. He opened up the text. It read;

Good night- Liam


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