Chapter 18

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Sebastian was nervously pacing the living room. He was really worried about introducing Noah to the girls. He knew it was the right thing to do, but he still felt a little unsettled, or maybe it was just the baby.

Just then their was a knock at the door. Sebastian took a calming breath, and walked to the door. He opened it pasting on a smile. There stood Noah, looking hopeful and a little nervous.

"Noah.", he said, "Come in." Noah smiled, and stepped inside the house.

"Sebastian.", Noah said turning to Sebastian as they entered the living room. "I have to talk to you. I have a reason for wanting to meet the girls now." Sebastian felt his heart sink, maybe Blaine had been wrong.

"What is it?", Sebastian asked thickly.

"I'm dying.", Noah said.

"What?!", Sebastian asked falling back into a chair.

"I have stage four bone cancer", said Noah, "I have six months left to live."

"Why should I believe you?", asked Sebastian faintly.

"You can ask Blaine, or I could put you in touch with my doctor.", Noah said, having thought that Sebastian might say something like this. Sebastian fanned himself.

"So you want to meet the girls, because your dying?!", he had started crying at some point. He wasn't sure when. Liam came out of the girls room, and saw Sebastian hysterically crying. Noah was akwardly patting his back. When he saw Liam he looked relieved.

"I'm gonna go.", he said nodding towards the door. "We can try tomorrow, or something." Liam nodded, and Noah left.

Liam sat next to his boyfriend, and hugged him tightly. Sebastian turned into Liam's chest, and continued sobbing. Liam started rubbing his back soothingly.

"This isn't good for the baby, love.", he said. Sebastian however was to overcome with grief and horomones at the moment to try, and calm himself. Liam started to sing softly;

"The sun goes down

The stars come out

And all that counts

Is here and now

My universe will never be the same

I'm glad you came

I'm glad you came"

By the time Liam had finished Sebastian had managed to some what compose himself.

"What happened?", Liam asked soothingly, still rubbing Sebastian's back.

"He said that he's dying.", Sebastian's said softly.

"And you believe him?", Liam asked, slighly skeptically.

"He said that Blaine knew or he could put me in touch with his doctor. He had six months to live.", Sebastian said, "I know that he left me, and the girls, and that he's better now, but he's still my first love. I still love him.", Liam couldn't help the twinge of jealousy he felt, when Sebastian said that. "I don't want him to die. I want him to know the girls for longer than just six months. I'm just really sad."

Liam hugged Sebastian tightly. "I know, baby."

They sat in silence for a few minutes then, Liam stood up. "Why don't you go take a nap, before our beautiful little munchkins wake-up."

"Are you sure you don't want any help with breakfast?", Sebastian asked worriedly. Liam sniled,

"I think I can manage." Liam helped Sebastian up, it was good practice for when it was actually needed. Sebastian walked back to his room, and crawled in bed. It would be okay. It had to be, because Sebastian wouldn't except it any other way.

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