Chapter 15

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"Noah! What are you doing here?", Sebastian asked in shock. Noah looked at his feet.

"I know that it's probably too late for this, but I wanted to ask for your forgivness. I want a chance to meet my daughters, and to get to know them, and be a part of their lives."

Sebastian looked at him shocked. He never thought he'd hear those words come out of Noah's mouth not now, not ever.

"Why now, Noah?", he asked tiredly.

"I have my reasons.", said Noah carefully.

"Well, I have my reasons to tell you yes I forgive you, but no you can't see them. I don't want them getting hurt, when you up and leave."

"I'm not leaving.", Noah said. "I live here now."

Sebastian tried to think of something to say. Noah turned, "I'll give you sometime to think about it. Talk it over with your boyfriend. You can call me at this number.", he hand Sebastian a card with a number on. The number looked oddly familiar, but Sebastian couldn't think of where he might have seen it before.

"Good-bye, Noah.", he said. Noah waved, and walked away. Sebastian closed the door, and sighed. Liam came out of the bathroom, "Who was that, babe?", Sebastian's heart thrilled at the term of endearment.

"I'll tell you later.", he said, as the girls came out of the bathroom.

After the girls were in bed, and Cyrus was sleeping in Sebastian's arms Liam decided to broach the subject again.

"So who was at the door earlier?"

"Noah.", Sebastian said tiredly.

"Who's Noah?", asked Liam.

"The girls other father.", said Sebastian, his head in his hands.

"What did he want?", Liam asked.

"He wanted to meet the girls.", Sebastian said, "I don't know what to do. I want them to know their other father, but I don't want them to get hurt."

Liam nodded, "Well, is there anybody you could talk to that knows, Noah?"

"He's Blaine's brother.", Sebastian said.

"Well,", Liam said, rubbing Sebastian's back, "Tomorrow why don't you call Blaine. Until then stop stressing. It's not good for you or the baby." Sebastian looked at him, and smiled.

"You always know what to say to me.", he cuddled into Liam's side. Liam wrapped his arm around Sebastian, and kissed the top of his head. "Of course I do, I love you."

The next morning Sebastian decided to call Blaine as soon as breakfast was done. They had blueberry pancakes, courtesy of one, Liam Potter. Ever since he found out about the baby, Liam had taken over cooking, breakfast and dinner. As soon as the table was clear, the girls were off playing, and Cyrus was taking his morning nap, Sebastian went to the bedroom to call Blaine. After a few rings Blaine picked up.

"Hello?", Blaine said, with a yawn.

"Hey, Blaine.", Sebastian said softly, worry starting to creep in again.

"What's up, Bas?", Blaine said, even though he knew full well why Sebastian was calling. It was about the man in his guest room. The man who was dying.


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